In MapxencaRS

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Rhea Kapoor took in the Anamika Khanna show in a MapxencaRS jacket which she paired with a white button-down shirt, black skirt, tights, patent wedges and an Anusha Lalwani clutch. We love the jacket and think Rhea wore it well; you?

Rhea Kapoor At Anamika Khanna‘s Show, LFW Summer/Resort 2011

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Rhea Kapoor looks Frummpy! The colour of the jacket does not look nice on her at all. Like her sister – is was not able to carry this outfit!

    • And I strongly feel that this is one looks that warrants a neat ponytail , hair all over the place with such a busy look so not working!

  2. Must have that jacket…looks amazing. Unfortunately, the entire look on Rhea does not work well. Bottom down she looks like a pirate.

    • I know, right??
      and PnP always expecting a ponytail, the one look that really needs it and no mention of ‘pulled back hair’! Hmmpf..

  3. Biased, much?

    I wonder if there was anything else left for her to wear :P
    As someone stated above, she looks frumpy and cannot pull off this look at all, not sure if anyone can considering it’s just layers and layers of mismatched clothing.. wayyyy too much going on. The jacket is nice, wish she had the sense to wear it with something else so it could have been the center of attention.

      • Ofcourse they are biased; the Kapoor sisters have gotten them to where they are today so I guess they owe them some ^&*-kissing :)

        • Huh? Say what?! Exactly what have they done to get us anything/anywhere? Pray, do tell… We perhaps owe them a fruit basket.

          • OMG what is wrong with you BiasedMuch!!

            PnP may be biased towards the Kapoor sisters, but PnP are what they are today because of their hard work, dedication & determination !! In my opinion we pay so much attention to what the Kapoor sisters ( and the rest of the bollywood gang) wear because of PnP !!

            When I look at Rhea’s look, the following comes to my mind “she should have been wearing a pony”, “too much going on with her look”, “too many layers”, “this is an almost”, “bordering on Wtheyy.” These are the phrases that I have picked up by reading this blog. And I am thankful to PnP that I can now see how a certain look could have been better.
            Agreed that PnP might not use these phrases against certain people, but they do not owe anyone any kind of kissing !!

          • I would not say they are solely responsible, but lets not forget some mutual PR has been coming in handy to elevate their status as fashionistas (not that it is the sole contributor) and to bring you guys into the spotlight via their tweets etc..

            At the end of the day, it is your blog to place your opinion how you like it, perhaps biased it may be :)

          • I knew all celebrities are targeted with mean and bitchy comments. Maybe it’s the price they pay for their fame…. The comment above by “BiasedMuch” is a fine example. How does it feel to be celebrities, PnP?

  4. I just think the photo is super funny because the shadow of her legs makes her legs look proportionally fat !
    Dislike the look overall.

  5. Oh gosh..I feel suffocated by just looking at these pics!poor gal must feel so hot in that outfit!! The jacket is really nice but she def hasn’t worn it well!with a jacket like tht she shouldve gone a lil easy with all the layering. It’s a over the place! She def shud’ve tied her hair up for one.

  6. Wearing the jacket with a collared shirt and a necklace completely killed the look. I agree with everyone else that her hair should have been pulled back. Given the issues on top, and not even going to comment on the skirt and tights. This was almost a WTHeyy.

  7. Hmmm a case of too much put together, jacket is good everything else is a FAIL!

    Have you ever, over the last two years said that Rhea Kapoor DOES NOT look good???

    • Let’s just agree to disagree. It’s not like stating our opinion is laying down the law, it’s just that, an “opinion”. Fashion is subjective and the only bias we have is to our own sensibilities.

      • Priyanka, following your blog for two years I know your fashion sensibility so every well (cos it is so similar to mine). Of course there are exceptions but I just CANNOT believe you liked Rhea and Sonams look. Rhea is still passable but Sonam??? A kundan necklace with an androgynous look? I still am of the “opinion” that you are biased and lets just leave it at that! xx peace xx

  8. The jacket is nice – but the combination is really overwhelming. Feels strange, because the jacket, the accessory around the neck, the hair, and the clutch – they are all competing for attention. I think she should have stuck to one statement item.

  9. Agree. Too much bias towards the K sisters.

    Randomly put together layers and in this case, P&P seem ok with that ridiculous rosette. And yes, how come the hair is not a downer???

  10. Maybe she should have focused on just the skirt or just the jacket. But I don’t hate the look as others do.

    P&P, is there a site where I can follow livestreams of the shows or see pictures or something?

  11. i think she looks ridiculous, on anyone else it wouldve been a wtheyy for sure. but nooo, its the kapoor sisters, if they stepped out in a rag you would approve!

  12. Very Very biased yaar P&P. Sachi I have been a huge follower of this site but I see Sonam & Rhea are apples of your eyes, no matter what they wear it becomes a fashion move. Not fair yaar!

    • Oh come on PnP! The jacket is fine but seriously..the skirt, black tights and wedges??? Had it been anyone else you would have said that it doesnt work at all. I mean her legs look so stompy and the whole look is frumpy!!!!!

      • Her legs are not stompy…there is a shadow near her legs that’s making it look stompy. Sometimes when some things are on someone else it doesn’t work….I think Rhea carries it well and works for her.

  13. I like it. It may not be weather appropriate but she pulls it off.
    oh and whats with all the hate here, calm down everyone. So PnP like what the kapoor sisters wear more often than not, so do I, so do a lot of people. Many of you’ll disagree, which is also okay. We don’t all have to agree and the kapoor sisters and PnP are not part of some elaborate conspiracy to take over the world one jacket at a time… least i hope not, else i want in on that.

  14. Why such a fuss abt look…??? PnP are right..i agree with them…Rhea has worn the jacket rightly….the look is edgy and bold….only Rhea or sonam could carry it…! n only if half the people out here could understand what a real fashion is all about….!

  15. Indian audience doesnt understand fashion…people who try to experiment with look are ridiculed n termed as fashion victims…from which angle is this look frumpy??? i agree with PnP .The look is awesome making both sisters stand out…i like look of rhea more than sonam….they are really epitome of fashion.

  16. Indian Audience? please refrain yourself from stereotype and speak for urself lady! show this to coco, versache, Balenciaga, or even gaga’s designers and they would have the same opinion as the majority up there… its just too sloppy!


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