Same Ol’ Same Ol’

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Who’s perky and predictable, loves the short and snug stuff and insists on sporting some filmy extensions?

Why, Priyanka Chopra of course.


Priyanka Chopra At The Unveiling Of Levi’s ‘Change Your World‘ Campaign

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. When she’ll stop wearing clothes like high school girls in US…her frequent US trips are having great impact on her dressing sense :)

  2. PC is clearly hung over her body and can’t seem to move past it. She looks like my cousin’s 16 y/o friends except on them it’s cute but on her it’s beyond lame. Considering it’s Levi’s related she could’ve easily done a nice pair of jeans with that tank. PC – get help!!! ASAP!!!

  3. Ah she looks so much better with long hair! She dresses like a 16 year old desperate to gain entry into clubs- but there’s still something about her that many others lack. According to me, she has that X- factor.

  4. You know…I like understand the young carefree style and all…I mean by no standards does she look dowdy or frumpy!! But those extensions….they sure drive me MAD!

  5. Poor gal, has a hangover for being 18 again… think PC raves about her natural long hair on her blog…is she ok or bugging!

  6. A tank-top and a light denim skirt paired with THOSE shoes?? Tacky much??
    Priyanka seems like a nice person, but really, how oblivious can you be?

  7. While many celebrities have evolved in their fashion choices, Priyanka seems to take giant steps backwards in every appearance. The tank and miniskirt are appropriate on a high schooler, and I feel that Priyanka could have pulled it off if she had worn more casual shoes. But super high heels with a denim mini? Tacky.

  8. Do tell me where PC gets her shoes? After all she is an ambassador of Levis. So no complains about the denim skirt. But a plain tank or tee would have been better.

  9. I don’t think her legs are that awesome for her to wear short skirts and dresses all the time. There are a lot of stars who have better legs than her and they don’t dress like PC all the time.


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