Do Done Well
The dress is aiiite, the tan accessories (belt and shoes) bit of a downer but that hair… is Fab!! Finally a do that can’t be faulted and going by that alone, Ms. Chopra looks fab!
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
The dress is aiiite, the tan accessories (belt and shoes) bit of a downer but that hair… is Fab!! Finally a do that can’t be faulted and going by that alone, Ms. Chopra looks fab!
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
No! The colors! They blind! She does NOT have it in her to pull this off. Though I agree about the hair. That’s not too bad.
I saw photos where Priyanka were wearing a black skirt under this dress. im wondering where it’s gone here :P
LOL! i can’t figure that out as well ;)
what a shining example of doing sequins wrong.
the upper half of the outfit screams trendy mommy and the lower half just tacky.
the red sequinned skirt is hard to pull off and no toning it down with tan won’t do.
This haircut is really suiting her :) Wish she’d worn something better to show it off. What a bad dress,the accessories make it worse.
I love how her make-up is always flawless and perfect. :)
I also love her contacts. They make her look very pretty.
she looks Good…dress could be abit better but she does pull it off well!
finally! phew …
love it…she looks great…love her hair d most…d shoes nd belt could have been avoided..but never mind ..its FAB
How does she sit down in the dresses she wears.
i dunno how much more pink i can handle on all these ladies! OTHER COLORS EXSIST!!!!!!
Like the hairdo ! and the pink suits Priyanka ! :))
love the hair!!!! finally….
she looks lovely but can she actually sit comfortably or bend wearing it?
Neck up – fab!! – Neck down looks like a disco ball.
second that!
Wow, I love her hair here. The skirt is horrible, but I love the bold colours on her, so much fun! :)
god, enuf already with the too short for comfort dresses/skirts..everyone know you have great legs,piggy chops!
neck up,she looks great; neck down, road kill
I might me among the minority here but I actually like the dress/ skirt+top! And, contrary to popular opinion, I am sure she can sit quite comfortably in that!!!
It’s short, but a workable length, most teenage girls in California wear shorts/ casual dresses about this length and they manage pretty fine.
However, I do not like the accesories, I think it’s a very tricky dress to carry off and her belt and shoes totally killed any chances she had of wearing it right. Oh. Well
shes not a teenager..might as well wrap in a bathroom towel and come out!
how on earth is a towel in anyway similar to this dress? This is a perfectly legitimate piece of clothing
And sorry, but I do not believe in restricting a woman’s clothing choice just because she isnt in her teens: that’s ageist. She has the body and she is rocking this (in my opinion)
And besides, ultimately it’s HER choice what length she wants to wear, not either of ours.
yeah actually with you on this one Chocolate Martini… only beef were the accesories too…..otherwise….quite chic!
OMG, really?? i think she looks like a HOT MESS. Who dressed her??!
The outfit is a complete and utter WTHeyy. That belt does not go with that monstrosity of a dress. Seriously, I can’t believe she wen out in that :|
The hair however is the best hair I have ever seen on her.
isnt she wearing the same zara heels that she has in black?
im squinting to confirm actually
wow, how could she wear that tacky outfit? And that blingy portion was the worst part! The shoes are fine, but what’s with the red-nailpolish again? Ewwww
Too Matchy Matchy!
the belt is fine & the face is ok!
Everyone was appreciating the hair, may be it is because of the dark background that her hair wasn’t clear enough!
love short hair and this one is my all time fav cut.
even bips looked amazing in this style. wonder why she grew it out.
nice dress, color and makeup.
Really PnP? I have to disagree. Hate the dress or whatever it is that she’s wearing, hate the cheap pink, hate the tan accessories. Her hair is completely overshadowed by her overall poor look. And no, the hairdo isn’t all that good; but better than the fried-hair-unsuitable-extensions look I guess.
I think the dress is actually interesting, but a better belt in a more flattering area would have helped in the execution.
YAY hair
Love this hair style on her….
Not liking the colour of her legs. Too much makeup in the wrong shade.
—- for the yet again ‘short hair’ and ‘short dress’ look…
LOVE her hair & her shoes. But that’s it. The outfit is totally wrong.
Love the belt and the shoes, but not the dress. However, neck up she looks amazing! Rock it PC!
Hot mess! She looks bad
Is it a wig…..should make it permanent
She looks HORRIBLE. The pink looks cheap.. and her hair looks awful!
She actually looks young and fresh here for a change. am even willing to ignore the dress and the monstrous shoes.
i think if the skirt thing was worn with somethign else maybe like a black top or like a black jacket without any sequins or any other shiny stuff which she can find.. it would have looked fab and young..
although the shoes are very nice but with this dress i dont think they go tooo well .. plus the hair .. its too p roper to be wearing a colorful and a party outfit..
I find it strange that she never wears pants. Some 7/8 length slim fit pants, killer heels, a nice top would be so refreshing.
she shd cut it off for real, thts a wig
The outfit is too pink for me, but I am lovin’ the hairdo! Short and chic, actually suits her face!
dont you think its too short and too pink??!?
She’s looking yummy-don’t like the shoes and belt though