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Spotted Priya Kishore totally working a Little Shilpa accessory at the German Race. Another reason to love her! :)

Priya Kishore At The German Race

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Part of me wants to love this; the shades are adorable, I love the hair accessory, the dress is fun and a great color. However, the draping of the shawl/stole/ wrap/dupatta, combined with the hair. brings to mind auntie-jis from my childhood making a quick run to the downstairs grocery store. I can’t help but like the vibe she gives out, though; she looks like she dresses for herself and to have fun, not to look pretty for the onlookers.

    • I totally agree!!!!! May be a kiddo would be adorable wearing that for a theme party, but thats about it!!! Lets not get carried way by the “risk taking” …. There is only so much risk one can bear :P

    • Ha hA ha ! Actually my third grader won’t wear this either !
      May be the 1st grader will try it when she plays “house” and raids my makeupbox !

  2. i dont think this is quirky, i think its damn stupid. its not “original style” if all you are doing is putting random crap on your head to get noticed.

  3. ewwwwwwww what is this ? its too bad to be called too ugly ! she looks like she was covered by hand made festival clown clothes leftovers ! wake up bollywood hehehehe ! watch more international TV shows plz ! thats what we call BARE CRAP !

  4. wow, finding people dressed like that is such a rarity in india, or anywhere in the world actually..
    now thats called unique, im really impressed!

  5. The thing with Priya Kishore is, no one would be oohing and aahing her choices if she wasn’t such a pretty girl. She can wear a paper bag and people would still gush about her quirky style.

    Word of advice – she’s a bit old to pull off that manic pixie dream girl look.

  6. Now most ppl will label this outfit..TACKY & UNPRACTICAL !!
    Perhaps unpractical fashion which however got faux pass on HHC.
    Surprised ? Me ? Not so much !


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