Sari Style

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Speaking of ladies in politics… Foreign Secretary, Nirupama Rao has a distinct style of her own. Always impeccably dressed, subtle but well-matched necklaces seem to be her go-to accessory. We like.

Nirupama Rao

Photo Credit: Daylife

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  1. Your review of Ms Rao seems forced, as if you you just discovered her :)

    That said Ms Rao certainly carries herself with incredible grace, even if one doesn’t agree with her choice of prints and colors or the fact that cotton saris are more suited to the day-to-day business than meetings with foreign dignitaries.

      • Cotton is a material one wears every day, day in and day out anyway. Why not step it up a notch when you know you’re going to be featured on front pages? Cotton certainly doesn’t lend itself well to a formal event such as business meetings, weddings etc. It just doesn’t say ‘I mean business’. If we expect men to get suited for such occasions, its only fair that the women meet them half way.

        • @A_rarity though your statement seems sincere but it is ridiculous. Cotton Sarees mean business in India. The sarees she is wearing are handlooms and are epitome of grace and well suited to our weather.
          I am just glad there are still women who embrace it more than chiffon and silk for all event.

          • I agree.. I see nothing wrong with Cotton sarees used day in and day out or with whatever dignatories. Some of my my teachers used to wear it and I love wearing them. And they looked so elegant !

    • Plesae note that most of these are really well chosen handloom weaves from different states and silk is too heavy to wear through all seasons in Delhi

  2. PnP I love this new segment on policitians!!! Really cool, never even bothered to think our woman politicians. That said, she does look very chic:)

  3. lol – she has always been around and has been this way !! guess it took a HRK to make u realise this ? wouldn’t have expected this from you guys but !1 :))

  4. I had to do a double take or else I would have mistook her for Asha Bhonsle…but def very dignified and confident appearances nonetheless! Nicely represented! :)

  5. Wow! Im so thrilled to see real women here! It was getting so boring to see all the meniquine styled ladies ……thanks P&P. It would help if some one could help identify the Indian sari materials and the regions they come from as well… There is so much to discover here.
    This lady is very elegant and always dignified. A nice face of India.

  6. She is an elegant lady even if her sarees are relatively ordinary.. she should check out Jaya Jaitley’s sarees. Pl continue with posts on women in Civil Svs/Politicians etc.. Is nice to see someone who is not an actress/socialite and someone we can relate to better

    • I completely agree. Jaya Jaitley’s sarees are handlooms like Rao’s, but have a somewhat different feel. It will be nice to see her being covered here too.

  7. Great that you are covering other ‘front=pagers’ as well, PnP! Hopefully we will get to see sarees as they are traditionally worn, and also more traditional weaves… we have such a great tradition of handlooms and designs, it will be wonderful if they can have their day in the sun as well

  8. Very neat. Looks so elegant and professional with the pleated pallu.

    Our women politicians/ civil service women wear some of the best handloom sarees.

    • I agree about the pleated pallu; there is something about a starched saree and pleated pallu that makes it elegant and professional at the same time.

  9. Some day you should post about Sonia Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi, some of the most dignified and well-dressed women of the country. :)

  10. Like many of the other readers, I loved this piece covering Nirupama Rao. I have a special corner in my heart for people who wear well-chosen handloom sarees and especially love Rao’s collection of ikkats. It seems to me that she has a strong liking for patolas and other ikkat sarees.

    People like her remind us that being fashionable doesn’t meaning spending a large amount of money on a piece of fabric from a high-end boutique; it is more about having a point of view about what you wear and how and when you wear it.

    Would love to see similar posts on Jaya Jaitley, Meera Shankar, and a few other Indian politicians.


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