both are buds so I will tell it straight. Both do it for me. Netra had twisted her ankle and hence is wearing a sock for that. It may be for Puma promotion but ultimately they are going to be photographed, and they are damned if they do not look good, because you guys will say they look washed out!!!!
it is Nethra Raghuraman.
I like Nina Manual better
Nethra it is.But whats with only one right sock? Nina’s hair and bag makes seems too made up for a sporty look.
Corrected the typo. Thanks.
prefer nina. is something wrong with the angle in the pic featuring nethra? can’t believe she’s sooooo thin!
Really like both. Nina wins by a small margin.
both are buds so I will tell it straight. Both do it for me. Netra had twisted her ankle and hence is wearing a sock for that. It may be for Puma promotion but ultimately they are going to be photographed, and they are damned if they do not look good, because you guys will say they look washed out!!!!
Is that all of Nethra Raghuraman? she looks like she has a dangerous flesh eating disorder, that accidentally eats up a sock occasionally.
Definitely Nethra Raghuraman.
dont forget Netra just split with her husband of 8 years Ash Chandler and obviously will lose a bit of weight.
netra… her legs look like toothpicks though
Nethra has a bandage on one foot, not a sock and u really shud’ve put in a pic of her back… tell me what u thought of that!
nina looked better
Nina does it better…though I like Nethra’s shorts…
i think nina,
i liked nethra’s but not digging her footwear and umm.. her hair too :)
eh…both are ok
Nina’s look somehow works better but those white tights are positively creepy!
After reading Adit’s it makes sense as to why Nethra is wearing one sock and why both of them have makeup on – they are models!!
I think more ppl would have liked Nethra’s look but are more concerned of her weight loss. She looks very skinny!!
i prefer nethra’s simple look. hope she gains some weight soon. sad to hear of her split with her hubby.
Nethra’s look. Coz its so simple and casual, while Nina’s green and white look is a tad boring and usual.
nethra all the way.. those white tights or whatever look transparent to me!
Nethra.. easily! white spandex w/ a skirt over it? Too tweeny for anyone above the age of 14 to be wearing.