It’s Giveaway Time!

Comment image 162

Update: Congratulations Shruti Khandelwal… You just won yourself this jacket! A big thank-you to Posh Fusion and everyone who participated.


Another day, another Giveaway! And this time, it’s via the wonderful folks over at Posh Fusion.

In four very simple steps, one very lucky winner could win themselves the BCBG jacket seen most recently on Priyanka Chopra…

1. Register on Posh Fusion’s website here.
2. Like ’em on Facebook here.
3. Follow Posh Fusion on Twitter here.
4. And once you’ve done the three things above, leave a simple ‘Done’ in the comment section below.


Like always, please leave a valid e-mail address in the email field of the comment box. Refrain from leaving personal information. Also, one entry per person only please.

Contest is open only to Indian residents and will close on the 19th of September. One winner will be picked by a random draw.

Good luck!

BCBG Jacket Via Posh Fusion (As Seen On Priyanka Chopra).

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  1. DONE DONE DONE!!!!!

    Liked them on Facebook, following them on Twitter and registered on their website! Love HHC – Hope to be a lucky winner

  2. DONE!! this is fab! My sis Puja,was in LOVE with this look of Priyanka’s and was telling mom to buy it for her<but heard it was too expensive.. but now!saw this giveaway SO happy!that i have a chance to WIN it and can Gift it too her! :D Fingers Crossed!

  3. I submitted ‘done’ comment last night, but couldn’t see it today. So I had to resubmit it…but again I can’t see any comment. Does it work like this only?


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