It’s Giveaway Time!

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Update: Congratulations Neha and Asmi. Check your emails!

Big thanks to GUESS Watches and all you lovely ladies!


October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and if you haven’t been thinking Pink, it’s time you started now. Ladies, remember that with breast cancer, survival rates are as high as 98 per cent but key is catching the cancer in time. Perform a self-check, don’t skip out on those annual check-ups with your gynecologist and urge all women in your life to do the same.

In support of Pink movement, GUESS Watches joins the fight against breast cancer with its ninth special edition ‘Sparkling Pink’ watch. (A portion of the proceeds from sale of each watch goes towards raising funds and awareness to help women fight breast cancer via Ogaan Cancer Foundation.) Now, that’s a cause to sport on your wrists!

GUESS Watches are giving away two of their ‘Sparkling Pink’ limited edition watches (worth Rs. 9900 each) to two readers of ours. In turn, all you have to do is like their FB page here and in the comments section take a vow to both look out for yourself and the women in your life.

guess hhc giveaway-1

Do remember:

– Contest closes on 22nd Oct. All comments will be approved only then.
– One entry per person only please. Multiple entries will be marked for spam.
– Two winners will be picked by a random draw from pool of qualified entries.
– Giveaway is open only to residents of India.

Good luck!

Given the wonderful cause it supports and the watch itself, we can’t blame you for wanting it stat regardless of the Giveaway. You can buy it here. Happy shopping!

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  1. I believe that when I help one woman, I am helping one family and through that family, helping our community. I pledge to look out for myself and support the women in my life as they move forward on their journey through times of devastating trouble and loss.

  2. I vow to look after myself and all women in my life including my maid :) I hope that I will be successful in preventing myself and others from breast cancer by early detection and proper self-examination!!

  3. I, Jaya, vow to not let myself or any of my friends, colleagues and relatives go undetected of breast cancer. I shall make it a practice to get regular check up done and also insist that others do the same. I shall also work towards assist those with limited health care access to get frequent health check ups done.

    Liked on FB

  4. I vow to take care and look out for myself and all the women in my life.
    I vow not to skip on the annual check ups and do a self test regularly.
    I vow to Think Pink all year long.

  5. Breast cancer is a disease that can be prevented and diagnosed at the very onset , i here by vow to self examine and also make the women in my life aware of the condition and prevention of the same.

  6. I take a vow to empower myself and my girls around me, with breast health education. I shall contribute in changing the world one girl at a time and “Get In Touch” with every girl to spread awareness.

  7. I take a vow to look out for myself and the women in my life by educating myself about breast cancer health awareness and spreading this awareness with other women around me as well.

  8. We take a vow to both looking out for ourselves and the women in our life and on our page with breast cancer awareness and the “get in touch” initiative.

  9. being the only woman in my small family..i take the vow,pledge and oath to protect myself get myself screened,tested check myself often and to be alert about my overall family depends and relies on me and i owe it to them to be healthy and alert about myself always..i take the the vow with all my heart..and see to it that women around friends,extended family even my maid..become aware of their importance to their families and start taking care of themselves :)

  10. Firstly I take a vow to start a conversation about breast health with all women around me . I am anxious to know all that I can about my body so that I can be a healthy woman in a healthy world! I want to help spread breast HEALTH education into the hands of every girl in the world.I also will educate myself and all women about breast density in order to save lives. I shall encourage everyone around me to “get in touch” with their body and do their BSE, and in turn ask them to spread the same with the women in their lives.

  11. I vow to take care of myself and all the beautiful women in my life … my mom, darling sister, mom-in-law and all my girlfriends… love u all

  12. I take a vow to perform a self-check, and not skipping out on those annual check-ups with my gynecologist and urge all women in my life to do the same.

  13. I vow to undergo self checkups daily while I take a shower and make the women around me aware about the same. I promise to lookout for both myself and women in my life and fight breast cancer Everyday.

  14. I take a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life. My cousin went through this but by God’s grace and timely detection came out unscathed. So yes, I do know survival is possible!! Just look out :).

    I have “Liked” Guess’ page on FB.

  15. I want to make people aware that breast cancer can strike anyone, at any age. No one is immune, no one is too young, no one is too fit. Hence I take a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life.

  16. I am just re-iterating what you already said “Perform a self-check, don’t skip out on those annual check-ups with your gynecologist and urge all women in your life to do the same. ”

    Also, this is a wonderful move – to make everyone aware and be aware of certain things which slip through your memory. This is a good way of avoiding a dangerous eventuality.

  17. I take a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life. I want to wrap them up in the most protective embrace and battle it with them. And because the connection between women to women is so massive and entrenched in each other , I shall add One more fist in the fight!

  18. I vow to eat healthy, exercise, mediate & be happy as well to inspire women around me to so that same to ward off beast cancer. Most importantly feel important & give importance to women’s life & take regular medical examination to detect any early symptoms.

  19. “Perform a self-check, don’t skip out on those annual check-ups with your gynecologist and urge all women in your life to do the same. “- I take a vow to do this.

  20. I take a vow to look out for myself and women in my life by performing a self-check, not skipping out on those annual check-ups with my gynecologist and urging all women in my life to do the same.

  21. I pledge a vow to look out for myself and women around me by performing a self-check, also not skipping out on those annual check-ups with my gynecologist and urging all women in my life to do the same in support of breast cancer awareness.

  22. I pledge a vow to look out for myself and women in my life by performing a self-check, by not skipping out on those annual check-ups with my gynecologist and urging all women in my life to do the same #breastcancerawareness

  23. As a medical student, I have participated in various awareness camps which the college conducts in the city as well as the surrounding villages. I hope this initiative helps in saving thousands of women and enlightening the masses. And yeah, I vow to look out for myself and all the women in my life and educate my (future) patients too :)
    Liked the page on FB.

  24. FB – Liked

    And Thank you HHC for organising such a thoughtful giveaway with regards to a relevant and important issue. Also kudos to Guess for bringing out these limited edition watches. To win or Not to win is not the question here but To be aware and make others aware is. So it goes without saying that I’ll take care not only of myself but all the women around me. As Debbie Wasserman Schultz said- “Every woman needs to know the facts. And the fact is, when it comes to breast cancer, every woman is at risk.” So young or old, you’re your own best guide.

  25. My mom’s already been a victim of this deadly disease 3 times. I vow to watch out for all the women in my family, and myself. I hope this campaign helps increase awareness.

  26. Done
    I vow to get myself checked and all the women in my life..Also vow to get our checks done every year. Coz I personally have seen two breast cancer survivors in the family. I know how important this is..

  27. Without second-guessing about our health status, I take a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life. Further, as one associated with community work since long, I extend this vow to the women in the communities I serve.

  28. Its a beautiful initiative taken by Guess! Every women is special and i think they should take care of themselves. I support the campaign. I advise every women must do d check up and so am I:)

  29. Done! I pledge to continue to look out for myself and all the women I know by having regular checkups and urging other women to do the same and spreading awareness about breast cancer.

  30. I will perform a self-check, won’t skip out on those annual check-ups with my gynecologist and urge all women in my life to do the same. I hereby take a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life- my mother, sister, grand mom, aunts, nieces, daughter, friends and all possible woman relations.

  31. 1. Done
    2. I solemnly swear to look out for my loved ones and myself. I promise to visit my gynaecologist regularly, and take along my Mum and sister.

  32. I take a vow to both look out for myself and “getting in touch” with the women in my life by supporting breast cancer health awareness and spreading this awareness; performing a self-check, going regularly for annual check-ups with the gynecologist and urging all women in my life to do the same. I will also educate gals and guys of all ages how to “get in touch” with their bodies, information, and each other in the crusade against breast cancer ;after educating myself with the same

  33. performing a self-check, going regularly for annual check-ups with the gynecologist and urging all women in my life to do the same -is my vow taken and initiated . Hooked and booked onto it. The least i can do is; contribute in saving lives around me.

  34. I take a vow at performing a self-check, going regularly for annual check-ups with the gynecologist and urging all women in my life to do the same for their health benefits

  35. I dont think I should wait until my daughters are women before teaching them the importance of “getting in touch” with their bodies, to know their bodies well enough that they would be able to recognize any subtle change and be comfortable enough to let someone (mom, aunt, school nurse) know when they did. I take a vow to Perform a self-check, won’t skip out on those annual check-ups with my gynecologist and urge all women in my life to do the same in support and awareness of breast cancer health.

  36. I vow to take care of myself and all the women in my life. my first step towards it is the 2 min daily self examination and also teach and make all the ladies in my life practice it.

  37. I vow to eat and live healthier and ensure the women of my family follow it too!!
    Ensure i undergo bi-yearly checkups and stay aware instead of in a deception!
    I promise to make exercise a part of my daily life. I will not make excuses and instead exercise in whichever way I can, at whatever time of the day is suitable for me.
    i also vow to avoid stress.Relax & Breathe ! Stop.Pause.Play!!!!!

  38. Detect breast cancer on time Ladies!! I hereby vow to perform self-check and also consult my gynecologist annually to beat breast cancer. Do the same. :)

  39. 2 years back I discovered a lump in my breast and that scared me to death! Thank god it turned out to be benign but I promised myself that day that would take care of myself and all the lovely women around me!!
    I still tell tell my friends and family to get random check ups by a doctor or yourself but do not ignore your health!
    Spread the awareness everyone!
    Thanks PnP for this!
    Liked on Facebook

  40. Thank you for reminding us about the importance of this month. Vow to take care of myself And all the other lovely women in my life. Running for the pinkathon is also a gud first step.

  41. I take a vow to look out for the 10 signs of breast cancer in myself and in all the women in my life.

    For all you wonderful readers, here are the 10 signs:

    Lumps that dont move
    Itching – without the presence of a rash
    Any change in shape and size
    breast tenderness
    nipple discharge
    nipple sensitivity
    any abnormal changes in the nipple
    presence of dimples

    Look for the symptoms. Take care and Stay beautiful

  42. Hey…I am reader of your blog and I am also a doctor..I know how important to prevent breast cancer by self exam and regular check ups..I am urging everybody to motivate other females and spread the awarness…it is in fact such a good initiative from brand guess..Thank you..

  43. I take a vow that I will always be conscious and preventive for breast cancer and maintain a regular cancer check up for both me and wen around me. :)

  44. I will always remember that “you don’t have to write a book or start a foundation to change the world. All you have to do is encourage the women in your life to get in touch with their bodies, information, and each other in the crusade against breast cancer.” Vow taken.

  45. I vow to take breast cancer seriously and do self exams and go for regular check-ups and push, nag, coerce, threaten, cajole and blackmail the women in my family and my life to do the same

  46. Done.
    And I vow to protect myself from the clutches of breast cancer by getting regular check-ups done and encouraging all the women in my life to do the same. After all, prevention is better than cure.

  47. I support Guess in this noble cause, we can prevent it and fight it in our selves and with other women through awareness. I take a vow! Because im worth it!!

  48. Cheers to good health and prosperity to each and every woman. It is important to be aware of your body, then only you notice changes. Take a day off, go with your friend, mother, sister, aunt ….and take a full check up to celebrate health or to celebrate early detection .

  49. I pledge to perform at-home, self-administered breast exams often, encourage my loved ones to do the same and share important breast cancer facts and information.

  50. I vow to look out for myself and for all the women in my life. I vow to perform frequent self-checks and urge the other women in my life to do the same.

  51. I vow with all my conscience that I would take care of me as well as stand up for every women who is in my life be it my mother, grandmother ,friends , colleagues or any other women who needs support . I would love to do my best for anyone who is fighting from such a pathetic disease or any other suffering in life.

    • I vow with all my conscience that I would take care of me as well as stand up for every women who is in my life be it my mother, grandmother ,friends , colleagues or any other women who needs support . I would love to do my best for anyone who is fighting from such a pathetic disease or any other suffering in life.

  52. I take a pledge to take care of myself and all the women in my life from breast cancer. Its important to make everyone aware of it. :)

  53. Liked on fb :)
    You ppl really made this kind move of awareness in a glamorous way .
    I hereby take a vow for caring myself n 2 lovely ladies in my life- my mom n my sister following the steps told by you n spreading the awareness :)
    Keep it up!!

  54. ibookmarking have always been proactive in supporting the breast cancer foundation .. one of the people that inspire me the most is breast cancer survivor Giulianna Rancic ! I’ve always asked my mother to go for regular check ups and also everyone else in my family . wearing this watch would mean representing the cause more verbally , which would be an honor !

  55. I hereby swear to not skip out on annual check-ups with our gynecologist, along with my mother. This will be my diwali gift to her and myself !!

  56. Liked on fb :)
    U guys really made a kind move in a glamorous way
    I hereby take a vow to take care of myself n two lovely ladies of my life-my mom n my sis ,against this monster of breast cancer!!
    I m going to spread awareness on this issue, on fb also!!
    Keep it up :)

  57. I vow both look out for the women in my life, my older sister my pillar of strength and myself .. mentally n physically and emotionally :)
    Liked their Fb page

  58. Lovely giveaway!
    I solemnly promise to take care of my beloved mother n my most ignored self , with regular check ups, fun brunches, more our time together , more laughter more love more warmth more us !

  59. Hello ladies
    I hereby pledge to always look out for myself and all the women in my life. To always stay alert to any signs of any lumps or discomfort. And importantly to never ever miss out on those annual check ups, which can help in early detection!
    Here’s to the Pink Movement and saving lives!

    (Alternate email id –

  60. Hi,

    I, Sumita Chatterjee, take a vow to look after myself and get myself checked time and again for breast cancer. I also vow to spread the Breast Cancer Awareness message to the other ladies in my life.


  61. I vow with all my conscience that I would take care of me as well as stand up for every women who is in my life be it my mother, grandmother ,friends , colleagues or any other women who needs support . I would love to do my best for anyone who is fighting from such a pathetic disease or any other suffering in life.

  62. A great initiative..Definitely take a vow to both look out for myself and the other women in my life… Its these kind of awareness drives which helps and motivates women like us to keep a constant check..! Thank you! :)

  63. I’ve liked the FB page!

    I do pledge to watch out for my own self as well as create awareness for women around me on breast cancer and how to do a self examination !! i sincerely will :)

  64. Liked on fb :)
    You guys made a really kind move in a glamorous way
    I hereby take a vow to care for myself and 2 lovely ladies in my life -my mom n my sis
    I will spread awareness abt this to my other frns also

  65. Its a great initiative taken by GUESS ,subsequently by highheelcnfedential team.
    i will surely takecare of myself and my female counterparts.
    for the great cause (y) .

  66. I take a vow to ” Perform a self-check, don’t skip out on those annual check-ups with your gynecologist and urge all women in your life to do the same. “

  67. Performing a self-check, will not skip out on those annual check-ups with my gynecologist and shall urge all women in my life to do the same. I hereby take a vow to look out for myself and women around me in support of breast cancer awareness.

  68. I take a vow to look out for both myself and the women in my life, to be aware and get timely check ups done.
    p.s -done liking the page on facebook

  69. My aunt is a breast cancer survivor, so having a first hand experience on the trials of surviving it I vow to look out for myself and all the women in my life.

  70. Hi team
    Why my comment is not being posted and it shows awaiting moderation whenever I post the comment ? I have tried so many times .

  71. I vow with all my conscience that I would take care of me as well as stand up for every women who is in my life be it my mother, grandmother ,friends , colleagues or any other women who needs support . I would love to do my best for anyone who is fighting from such a pathetic disease or any other suffering in life

  72. Hi team
    Why my comment is not being posted and it shows awaiting moderation whenever I post the comment ? I have tried so many times . Has it been already posted or do I need to post it again?

  73. I pledge to get regular examinations done for any kind of lump and also encourage my mother,sisters,aunts,friends and other females(and males,too!) to get periodic check ups done to avert breast cancer.

  74. 1. Liked their page on FB.
    2. I take a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life in doing my best to prevent this disease from spreading. Prevention is better than cure! (y)
    Thanks for this wonderful initiative!

  75. I take a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life and do my best possible to stop this disease from spreading. PEACE!

  76. I join my hands in taking a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life. I will do as much as possible to fight this disease and make peace!

  77. Liked on fb :)
    Ooookkk!!! This is a move for a noble cause in a glamorous fashion!! U guys rock
    I take a vow to take care of myself n my mom n sis against this tumor
    I ll aware my frns also about these basic tests :)

  78. I take a vow to both look out for myself and the women in my life by a self check, visiting the gynac regularly and asking all my women to visit too, and asking my women to do the same with all the women they know. One woman at a time.

  79. I take a vow , I shall perform a self-check, not skip out on those annual check-ups with the gynecologist and urge all women in my life to do the same.

  80. I take a vow to get myself checked regularly and the lovely women in my life whom I love to the core. Breast cancer is as scary as it sounds and I am not letting any cancerous cells in my body to ruin this one beautiful life I have got to live!

    P S liked GUESS on FB. Spreading the word.

  81. Hi liked and followed on FB by same id user name kamal marwaha

    I do take the vow to take annual test to keep a check and protect my near and dear ones (ladies including me).

  82. I just read through your entire campaign…. what an excellent way to spread awareness Guess… Through your good deed… i promise to take care of my self and the woman of my life; my mother… thank you Guess ..God bless you all!!

  83. Done.I vow to protect myself and all other women in my life from breast cancer by spreading awareness of how self exams should be performed and what to look out for.

  84. I vow to both look out for yourself and all the women in my life and spread awareness in the society about breast cancer…… its prevention and early diagnosis ……

  85. I vow to both look out for myself and all the women in my life and spread awareness in the society about breast cancer…… its prevention and early diagnosis ……

  86. I take a vow to take care of myself and all other women in my life …be it my mom , my aunts and my friends against breast cancer.


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