Guess what else do Kareena Kapoor and Jessica Alba have in common, besides being actresses of course…
A similar taste in LBDs perhaps? Spotted Kareena Kapoor in the identical dress that Alba wore pre-preggers…
Left: Kareena Kapoor At Amrita Arora’s Birthday
Right: Jessica Alba At Fantastic Four Premiere After Party
Jessica Alba looks so much better. Why the Fedora, why?
@ Anon
Amrita’s do had a theme- ‘Hats and Wigs’… hence the fedora one assumes!
if this post had been “who wore it better”
i wud say jessica….i dunno if itz the side pose of kareena or wat but tht dress isnt too flatterin on her
Ah.. I didn’t know that Priyanka. Maybe next time she should pick an outfit that goes with ‘Hats/wigs’?
Is that a D&G dress or a Herve Leger?
definitely Alba… no question about it.
It is Dolce and Gabbana.
Kareena could have scored this look but for the dorky hat
[…] particular Dolce and Gabbana dress has been quite a favorite among the starlets all over…Kareena has it in black, have spotted Jessica Alba in it… And now, spotted Haseena Jethmalani wearing […]