At The Awards

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Debuting a new do at the Awards was Ms. Mirza! Hard to look past the hair, but if you manage to, like her look?

As for us, love the hair! However, we did manage to sneak in a glance at the rest of the look and couldn’t help but wish she had picked different shoes to work with that dress! ;)

Dia Mirza At Vogue Beauty Awards 2012

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. OMG! Absolutely hate the bangs… Never thought she, of all people, would experiment with her looks. She had a signature style, one that worked!

    • i agree. i hate the bangs too. i have tried really hard to like it but just can’t. In fact, I have never ever seen a desi girl pull off such blunt bangs.

  2. Love the bangs!! So Zooey Deschanel…emphasizes her strong bone structure so well!!
    Those shoes gotta go!! That dress, that hair, that make-up is screaming for some fierce shoes!!

    • OMG – I liked this because imo it didn’t look like Zooey Deschanel’s hair! Zooey’s iron bangs and terrible side burns+Zooey being tweeeeee all the time = meteoric rise in my BP level!

      • Sorry, I was wrong – the hair does look like Zooey’s! Thick bangs, glossiness etc. Dia’s just so much prettier and so Not annoying that for a few mins I didn’t see the resemblance since my irritability with anything Zooey-related took over!

  3. On the first glance, I couldn’t get on board with the bangs. But the more I look at her, she seems to convince me. Hah!This look proves that no one can do cutesy like Dia. The shoes fits her personality. It’s good that she didn’t try to do edgy and fail.

  4. I think she is carrying off her new bangs nicely. I like her makeup too. But the outfit is a bit too monochrome for me, wish there was a pop of colour in there somewhere….maybe watermelon shoes or ice blue ones…something to break up the tone-on-tone feel….

  5. I agree that this is more neeta lulla. Doesnt suit her but i can understand we all want to experiment once in a while. So i hope this look will be very very temporary.

  6. I like her bangs…was fedup watching her in the same old fashioned hair and makeup..atleast she tried a new hairdo…Though the dress and shoes completely fail..the dress looks like a school girl dress(out-fashioned)..cannot talk abt those shoes as her dress itself is a wrong pick.

  7. Major props for changing it up. She looks adorable. Excellent make-up and style. Don’t think she should have the bangs for a long time though, it would change the innate “Dia”ness in her. If she wore Indian clothes with this hairstyle, it would look like Neeta Lulla style, which is never good.

    • ITA! She should have debuted the look with a different dress, ’cause the hair in and of itself looks kinda good but the outfit spoils the effect.

  8. I’m slightly on the fence about the hair. By virtue of her pretty and delicate features, she seems to carry every look easily. The dress is so meh though.

  9. maybe it’s just me but the bangs look like clip-ons. I could be wrong but i have similiar ones and you can’t really tell they are fake. Whatever they are, she looks cute

  10. Love the bangs….brave girl, cos bangs aren’t for everyone. I do like the layering especially. I almost forgot the outfit, it’s cute.

  11. It’s too fierce for her soft face or maybe the dress is too subdued. Kind of reminds me of Koena Mitra. And that can never be a good sign.

  12. I love the bangs. I think they make her look more lively and full of energy. Good change from the plain look she always has. That looks good too but this adds some much needed energy to her looks.

  13. I think she looks stunning! Thumbs up for her for experimenting with her look. What’s the point if she carries the same hairstyle, and hides behind the safety of ‘Dia the cutesy girl’ everytime? You do need a major shakeup once in a while and Ms Dia has managed it bang on here!
    As for traditional outfits and bangs, she can always clip them behind or make a puff outta them and then clip them behind.
    Dia, you go girl!

  14. I think she looks pretty…..different !!!
    good she tried something on her for the 1st time….may be she would have tried it before might have changed her time !!


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