In Sabyasachi

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For a recent event in London, Aishwarya opted for a Sabyasachi.

Those of you who have been complaining about her constant choice of heavy outfits and speculating ‘hiding’ behind yards of fabric aren’t going to be happy with this recent appearance. And while we too would like to see her in something more tailored, we do think she looked lovely. The look works for her.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan At The Opening Of Bulgari Hotel And Residences, London

Photo Credit: Vogue

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  1. i looooooooooooooove the outfit …fits her to the tee!wish she had opted for this one at cannes instead of the horrendous looking saree she wore !

    • yep,+1

      wish she did this look instead of the jacket-saree look…she looks pretty here…btw we both delivered almost the same time ( 15 days apart) and I no whr look this pretty:(:( ofcourse i know she has hell lot of ppl to groom her ;)
      anyway kudos to her manage work and baby the sametime, it damn stressful!!

      and all the real women over there it takes time to lose all tht preggie weight..not tht easy, hats off to Ash tht she is going the healthier way of losing it…like me ;) lololol

  2. So just because people *think* she is hiding behind fabric, she should start wearing skin tight clothes to prove everyone wrong? That’s nonsense. Anarkalis and flowy tops are SO in right now. Who cares about her hiding her weight (that is IF she is) when she looks so graceful?

  3. She looks so graceful and elegant. The Ash of old is back! I know we shouldnt comment on weight, but looks like she’s back on the excercise regimen!

  4. SHE LOOKS AWESOME! WOWWWWW! On the other hand the outfit, is frumpy and ugly. especially the skirt. And…….. did you see the size of the solitaire on her hand? Its HUGE!

  5. Happy to see the old ASH coming back slowly but steadily, the outfit looks great on her, i really hope she chose to wear this at the Cannes instead of that hideous Abu Sandeep saree.

  6. She is looking FAB!! Love this outfit on her (how gorgeous is it with all that embroidery!!!!). Face is looking lovely as ever!!! And hello but what is that boulder on her finger: how I love it!! Go Ash.

  7. I wish she had worn this at Cannes red carpet than Elie Saab… Would have garnered a better response for sure . .She looks great in this . .

  8. Really.. she looks good?.. she will always look good coz she is so pretty.. but style wise??? Awful.. that tacky frill at the bottom and even the lower bottom half that cuts the kurta…. quite atrocious.. Her hair is flat and even the make up is so, so.. Her clutch looks bad too..I care two hoots abt weight coz I weigh the same as Ash.. however in this blog, its abt fashion and style… and she does not make the cut in this outfit

  9. She looks gorgeous. The difference between the Abu Sandeep at the Cannes is that the layers there made her look podgier and this makes her look graceful. Its all in the cut. Wish she had worn this at Cannes instead of the saree.

  10. Aishwarya looks good – so statuesque and elegant. This outfit is voluminous no doubt and quite simple but, simply put, it is pretty! So I guess my grouse with her Abu Jani bulky numbers was just that they were so freaking fugly! The patterns (that pink salwar kameez!), the unflattering neckline and cut (the gold blouse) – I could go on and on. Glad to see Ash pics – that face will always be a classic.

  11. Such a beautiful lady. The dress is quite overwhelming but somehow together it all works on her. Like the fact that she kept it simple without any fussy jewelry.

  12. Yess! She’s back!! She’s starting to look like her old self again. Feel like it was just yesterday when ppl were complaining about her weight, but look at her now, she looks amazing, no chubbiness in her face whatsoever. I’ve seen HQ pics of this dress and her face and she is still the most beautiful. And this is actually quite simple. She kept everything very simple, the make up, hair, the dress itself is not heavily embroided, and she’s wearing very little jewelry. She looks best when she’s dressed simple. This is def one of her best looks along with her Cannes Elie Saab gown for this year.

  13. People shouldn’t put pressure on her to lose the weight. She looks fab here but she couldn’t have lost so much weight from Cannes time. Just let her be already and stop talking whether she lost the weight or not


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