In Threes

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It certainly is refreshing to see Kahkashan in Indian clothes, a first on this site! :)

Neelam of course gives us another simple, restrained and elegant look, no surprises there!

But of the three, Mehr’s outfit is by far my favorite. Sure the length is looong but she wears it so well!


L To R: Mehr Jessia Rampal, Neelam And Kahkashan Patel At Amrita Arora’s Sangeet

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I actually think Kahkashan Patel wins this round- she looks classy & fabulous (who thought we would live to see this
    day!! :-)
    Neelam looks nice, but I feel the shade of golden is a bit too jarring against the white tissue material.
    I think Meher looks the WORST since the neckline is waayy too deep; it looks forced & awkward- she seems to be a hairline away from falling out of her kurta & that is NEVER a good thing.

  2. Love Mehr’s, Neelam’s is not bad. I hear about how some Indian female celebs are described as “she is a simple girl” by their spouses or friends, but when I see her, I see that simplicity and security. I used to think Arjun Rampal deserves better but I guess they complement and deserve each other.

  3. Agree with Ani 141. The deep neckline gives an illusion of saggy boobs, not very flattering. Also, some makeup will do her good. Neelam’s hairstyle doesn’t suit her.
    In this round Kahkashan wins…as long as I can ignore her face.

  4. Mehrs outfit is gorgeous and Kahkashan looks good – this style isn’t really suiting Neelam as much, making her look a bit chunkier than she really is, perhaps?

  5. mehr looks awesome! anarkali style looks really nice on tall women like her.. wish her make up was a lil better..
    Kahkashan’s style is the safest style anarkali.. empire waist.. not so frilly and above ankles.. me like it! :)

  6. keeping previous appearances in mind …. MEHR ..hands down ne day …. i really dun care bout de length or de neckline … she luks nice n carries herself well wotsoevva ….. n def brownies for Kahkashan for a least expectd change !!!!

  7. Mehr’s skirt part I love, but the dress looks like its falling off, boobs popin out, not a nice look in my opinion.

    Over all Kaykashan wins, but they all look nice.

  8. Mehr’s kurta is nice in concept but not in execution – others have already pointed out what’s wrong. Also, her feet are not delicate looking and those chappals are totally ruining it for me.. such a long kurta needs heels – no?

  9. LOVE Mehr’s Anarkali dress, one of the best anarkali’s I’ve seen. I love the length and those flat shoes are awesome ! A bra and a couple of inches on the top would have done wonders to the outfit. I really wanna buy myself one of those…in the same color

  10. Kahkashan’s style is the best…her outfit is stunning,its either abu jani sandeep khosla or tarun tahiliani….but most importantly Kahkashan makes it look beautiful….


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