Urmila Can Hard(l)y Pull It Off!
At the Ed Hardy launch in Delhi, Urmila tried very hard to pull off the “I am cool” look! But her in Ed Hardy was more like oil on water. It just don’t mix. No matter how much she pouts or sucks in her cheeks! She just can’t pull this look off! Amrita and Sophie were fans of the brand way before Ed Hardy came to India. I wonder if Urmila even knew what it was until she was asked to walk for em.
For more pics, go here
Vintage Tattoo-wear and Urmila can’t fly together. She is trying way too hard – this is all about laid-back and fun attitude. It is not about stuck up and overly conscious people.
My 2 cents
It looks like those cheap H&M outfits. Yeah, ok for teenagers..not for Urmila.