At the launch of Gucci’s India Exclusive line, spotted Tanisha Mohan wear head-to-toe Gucci.
She chose to keep her look monochromatic, and while she does look good, we can’t help but wish there was something to break it (the mono-tone) up a bit.
Sure there are a lot of colors out there that work in the scheme of monochrome, but that much of bronze/copper is just a lot to take in! Shoes in a slightly different (if not neutral) tone would’ve helped.
Maybe we aren’t feeling this look much because of all those color-blocked outfits on the Gucci runway which we quite unequivocally loved… Having seen that, this almost feels anti-climatic! ;)
P.S: That’s a clutch from Gucci’s limited edition India Exclusive line on Tanisha.
Left, Centre: Tanisha Mohan At Gucci And Harper’s Bazaar Event
Right: Gucci Spring 2011
Gucci Spring 2011
Photo Credit: Style