Still Talking Saawariya..
All the disses in the world about the movie still couldn’t stopped me from watching it. I obviously watched for two reasons!
Numero Uno: Ranbir’s tushie( which unfortunately was cut out from the print I watched.)
The other was to see the designs of Anuradha Vakil on the cast. Couldn’t help notice the same outfit that Rani wore to the premiere also made an appearance in the movie too on Sonam. While Rani’s was blue and hot pink, Sonam’s is a mix of green, blue and aubergine.
i noticed this too…but i think sonam had the height and the figure to carry off those pajama lukin things…which im sure wud hav gotten a funky name by now if tht style had caught anyone’s eye….unfortunately for rani..she’s too short to carry off such a style..
even the colors look on sonam are so much better. Add a short stature and bright colors to the mix, Rani had to look bad..
Those pants are called Farshi Pajama, it’s from Lucknow.