Those Shoes Were Made For…
Another day, another pair o’ skulls. Fifth avenue went the Hells Angels way and we like. Okay, so that’s excessive but what can I say, we are sooo feeling those flats and the irreverent twist they bring when paired with the serious sheath. ;)
And now, onto the look itself. When you see the images from this appearance, you Know she’s attempting to channel a certain upper east side queen bee but wish she skipped the necklace. Seems trivial but would’ve made a world of a difference. As it stands, there’re way too many things fighting for attention between the necklace, the shoes, the chain strap bag and the headband.
It’s an Almost for us.
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Sonam Kapoor At DLF Promenade In Delhi
Right: Alexander McQueen Skull Print Flats
Photo Credit: Prokerala
I hate skull…..but loved her look…its nice..u were right she could have avoid necklace,,
Yeah, you are so true about the look. The moment I saw her she reminded me of B from Gossip Girl :)
a lot of her looks remind me of gossip girl…
Yeah..I agree. Her style is a lot like Blair’s. (I LOVE BLAIR)
true ..but i LOVE blair look.similar to what i would dress . but sonam should tone down accesories.
P.S. blair would never be caught wearin a skull flats.
I like B’s style as well. I agree Sonam’s attempt is unsuccessful…may be next time! :)
Another day .. another dress..
Sonam looks fabulous…but I wish she would wear something else now..pants or salwar kameez maybe ?
I wonder if someone had worn sari’s on 4 consecutive occasions how much they would be criticized on this discussion board for being redundant. Apparently the same rules don’t apply to western dresses.
I highly doubt that: look at Rekha/ Sri Devi/ Hema Malini etc, nobody complains when they wears saris back to back. I see nothing wrong with her wearing a lot of western clothes, as long as the outfits are nice.
None of her dresses have been very similiar to each other and she just wore an Anamika Khanna sari a few days ago, and leggings and a blazer before that. Lets not be this touchy about the Indian/ western clothes thing, and make out harmless comments into some kind of westernization issue.
Because someone says they like to see more of salwar or sarees or something different means they dont like western dresses and are making an issue of it.
It is you who are making the opinions of people into a traditional vs wester wear debate/issue.
Chocolate Martini:
She wore the boyfriend blazer look about 7 times in a span of 2 months, though all her appearances were not posted on HHC. If that is not redundant, I dont know what is.
anyhoooo, me waiting for IHLS :))
Hello ChocolateMartini,
I have nothing against western outfits.
I find the last few dresses ( or Frocks ?) somewhat similar. and I hope for her next appearance she tries something else like Skirts , Pants,or shorts or a Salwar kameez that are not black or grey in color.
I find that notwithstanding how nice Sonam looks, these dreary dresses are unimaginative in their cut , coloring or style.
However I do find that the bar of criticism to be rather low when it comes to such dresses and high when it comes to traditional wear like saris. Even if Sonam had worn nice saris for 4 consecutive appearances people would be saying enuf already !
Nobody complains when Rekha wears saris back to back because nobody expects her to change it up. She only sports Kanjeevarams – when there are so many other kinds to wear.
So I think criticism should be applied uniformly whether its traditional or western and independent of who is wearing it.
correction: the same rules don’t apply to sonam.
also i’d like to take the opportunity and mention my dislike for the word “hater”. just because some people disagree when the administrators go gaga over sonam’s clothes, doesn’t make them/us haters. it’s pretty obvious that none of us here know sonam on a personal level, so there’s no question of being a hater or not. if i may speak for the so-called haters, then i’d say it’s not sonam, rather it is the bias and double-standard that p&p sometimes employ when commenting on her clothes. but then again, that’s a whole other story, because after all, it is their blog.
I don’t deny the fact that P & P’s verdicts are often biased … but its their own blog where the girls are voicing their opinion. You have the right to not like it and UNFOLLOW. These pointless arguments are going on quite frequently of late.
On another note, Sonam is a fashionista and has the right attitude to carry off most dresses. Lots of stylists (and not just P & P) have good things to say about her eclectic and experimental fashion sensibility
Well, firstly @PeachBellini – who used the word ‘hater’?? apart from you?
@ arpita, this statement by kanika – “I wonder if someone had worn sari’s on 4 consecutive occasions how much they would be criticized on this discussion board for being redundant. Apparently the same rules don’t apply to western dresses.” to me is making an issue about Indian and western clothing, and i agree with Chocolate Martini, and Sonam herself wears some really nice Indian clothes.
and then, I am not sure about P&P’s bias for Sonam, atleast in this post if you read again you will see “It’s an Almost for us.”. And hey if they like her and her style or both, whats wrong with that?
and I dont really attribute all the fashion sense or lack of it to actor alone, its a lot to do with the stylist, some of them do have their own distinct style but more often than not its a stylist’s game. And its obvious who has a better stylist than others , sometimes. Sometimes its obvious that without the stylist this person is lost as they dont seem to reflect a distinct personal style thru their clothes. For me Sonam falls into the latter category. some people might disagree.
having said all of that, i have to say she has a very nice warm smile unlike some people who are forever on the runway (expression-wise). The smile is definitely her distinct style. Like it.
And I think it’s her broad smile that carries most of what she wears…she seems like she is enjoying herself and what she is wearing. That’s style!
I definitely agree with most of what you said. In the comments section on Sonam posts lately, I have seen a few people use the word “haters”, that’s why I brought up the issue. I don’t remember who it was, and even if I did, I wouldn’t want to call them out on it.
But anyway, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and choice and all that, like you said. But that is my whole point. So just because someone doesn’t like something about a certain person, it does not make them a “hater”. it’s just the use of that word that sort of comes off as a bit offensive to me, that’s all.
actually i am not sure if you should use the word ‘bias’ here. the entire point of a blog is to read about that person’s opinion. hugely different from something like a newspaper that is meant to be objective, having a bias.
the entire point of this blog IS to read P&P’s opinions, one assumes. Else these very pictures are available all over the place.
@PeachBellini: *clap,clap,clap*
Ok, this is pretty ridiculous and I’m not sure I even want to contribute – but couldn’t help myself. Sonam is promoting a movie – in which she plays a character that dresses in Western clothes. This no doubt, effects the fashion she chooses for its promotional events. Just like when she was promoting Delhi 6 and Saawariya (both roles she donned Indian wear for) she promoted in a variety of traditional dress.
Need I remind anyone of the crazy t-shirts Katrina Kaif wore to promote Ajab Premi Ki…
@arptiha: “I wonder if someone had worn sari’s on 4 consecutive occasions how much they would be criticized on this discussion board for being redundant. Apparently the same rules don’t apply to western dresses.”
I think its pretty obvious that the westernization was being made an issue (from that statement), and its not just this one comment but a lot of comments from different people where the whole “culture/ indian vs. western” thing has been brought up, so its not me whose making an issue out of this.
@Kanika: I think people have been very critical of Sonam in the posts previous to this, I’m not calling them haters just pointing out that there is criticism for her as well. Also, even if people did like her dresses better and criticze them less (which, IMO, they dont) it’s really their opinion. This is such a subjective topic, that I dont think that opinions can be uniformally applied. If somebody prefers Western or Indian more (PnP for example love when stars go indian, especially at international events) I think that’s perfectly alright, its their personal taste and there is nothing wrong/ unfair about it. I’m not disagreeeing with your dislike for her dresses, just saying that we should leave the cultural Indain vs. western element out of it! Also, I think orchee’s comment provides an excellent explanation for the dresses.
@orchee: that is an excellent observation and an emminetly sensible comment!! :-)
I soooo am NOT feeling those flats. I can’t help but think had anyone else worn them it would’ve been automatically labeled borderline WTHeyy.
True that!
I would cringe to see anything mcqueen under wtheyyy
What!!? WTHeyy? lol…not even close. They’re gorgeous.
i find them fun. Not sure if i like them with that dress though… hmm.. still not sure…
It’s totally fun.. I LOVE these flats!
And personally love pairing hot pink, yellow or even orange flats with dresses (or even denim-tee looks) like these
<3 <3
P & P, couldn’t agree more
the hair band, the beads, …
im feeling an overdose of sonam. much as i like her clothes… her style isnt original… rather its “inspired” by other style leaders …
please girls… no more sonam!
Agreed. She doesnt have a unique style similar to Sienna Miller or Kate Moss….its FEELS very “stylist put-together”
well..i disagree..she doesn’t have to be compared to Sienna Miller or Kate Moss..i mean come many celebs are so well put together each & every time like her..not too fact hardly any..and only lady gaga can be that original that she doesn’t resemble dressing style of anybody else..and i think P&P like her(or maybe have a teeny-meeny bias) coz apart from the clothes..she carries herself big caked forced looks..and she looks comfy..and i think that makes all the difference.
gotta agree with yoiu there ruchii
she looks so sophisticated nd den u look it da shoes it looks like skool gurl…. heels would have looked better.
And heels may have looked matronly? I don’t know =P
Love the flats! It actually ‘makes’ this look.
actually the accessories are one too many, but they dont really disturb me because they’re mostly black and inoffensive. nothing jars.
Hairband & necklace are ruining it for me
Always get the feeling that her look is copied straight out of a magazine or a tv show… the look would have worked minus the necklace i guess… Cute dress tho
at first glance i thought the skulls were footballs….lol…guess worldcup fever!
Please, please, please tell me those are plucked eyebrows on her!
I hate these shoes and would never even think of wearing for free.
But to my surprise,it aint that bad on her ,Is it camera or what?
I like the necklace,infact. It perks up the plain dress. Sonam always accessorises very well,I’ve noticed. :)
The flats are AWESOME! I just can’t seem to like hairbands on tied up hair- it’s just too much.
I can sort of understand what you’re saying about the hairband =)
It looks school-girl cute.. but don’t get the purpose. Right?
She looks fabulous! Luv the skull flats…sometimes different is good! I would die for her wardrobe…luv it!
She tries too hard…sorry..not liking it!!
two thumbs up! I agree! haha…not to hate on Sonam herself, she seems perky and enjoying her designer clothes and filmi premiers :)
She can NEVER be Blair, EVER. :/
She’s WAYY better than Blair lol.
you said it newborn !;)
she’s an amazingly dressed COPYCAT..
love her fashion sense
her dress is club monaco frm her midday article
She looks great. Casual and chic – gossip girl much !!
Not feeling the flats AT ALL!!
She should have skipped the necklace and gone with pumps instead. I know its conventional, bordering on boring but its so MUCH MUCH more classier!!
Arent you girls posting her in the grey Viviene westwood dress. she looked amazing in that!
Major Major tweet love happening between you girls and Ms. Kapoor huh?? ;)
Just saw her full length pic, she wore black flats. Again KILLED an almost perfect look.
no they were actually brown flats…which she paired with a brown bag.
trying too hard… i just wish we could see her in a simple outfit once in a while.. even for casual events she ends up looking all prim and proper!
don’t like the necklace.. don’t mind the hairband.. her makeup looks good, improvement
she looks cute! i think her dress is from Club Monaco.
the dress is an audrey hepburn club inspired monaco dress. she has mentioned it in todays newspaper
gosh too much argurments going on lately. we all have favs we feel biased about..p & p can too.
sonam will be all over the place with two movies coming and she will be on the blog a lot as she be making appearnces in alll kind of brands……so some gotta get used to it.
all i care of is clothes & shoes and bags, who care who is wearing them:)
That looks like a lanvin ribbon necklace to me. Kirnazabete has same in red and pink at their online store.
She is looking lovely for me. Coming to flats. We are going to see them more cos actor Imran khan asked her not to come with high heels ..otherwise she looks more taller than him.
May be for AISHA promotion we can expect change!!!!
I dont agree with this post. She looks great. this can’t be ALMOST! the black necklace on black dress looks good. If she’d have skipped the necklace, then it’d ‘ve looked like something missing b/w the yellow accessories.
For some strange reason, Aishwarya and Sonam are the most hotly commented celebs in this blog fo rtheir dressing sense!!!
The funny part is Ash is often criticized for her lack of style and Sonam for her stylishness….hmmm can’t make them all happy all the time…:))
Also because both of have a large fan following. ;-D
Its all in the SMILE. She is looking so fabulous and pretty. Gorgeous Girl.
i love this look…even the necklace…n whats the harm if a lot of thought goes into her appearnces/looks??i mean isnt it awesome that someone always(almost)looks chic….you(some of the comments above)hold that against her…
n PnP i think now you are finding very minor faults(if at all they are faults)with sonam’s look because you guys have been accused(thats too severe a term)of being pro-sonam….hey there’s no harm in liking someone a lil too much…this is supposed to be fun/fashion blog…it is bound to be influenced by personal preferences/likes…i think you guys shouldnt worry even a wee bit n carry on your girl crush…n honestly given our desi celebs there are very few apart from sonam worthy of a girl far as fashion/style sensibilities go…
* appearances
She got everything right (finally)! Better make up does it all.
You may not be aware of this, but a recent TOI Delhi edition picked up your opinion abut Sonam’s “Skull Looks”. They didn’t quote you, but their opinion on her looks were a ditto to yours. Congratulations girls:)
And I m going to go out on a limb here, But I LOVE the skull flats:)