Found: The Plaid Dress

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Here is another monstrosity that we can blame Bebe on, besides this other one!

P.S. Gotta say, Shriya is surpassing Malaika with her appearances in Bebe outfits!

shriya-saran-cest-la-vie-plaid-bebe.jpg bebe_plaid_dress.jpg


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  1. I have a question here.. Why do people stand with their bums out in pictures? Is that supposed to be a gud pose for the camera? or wht is it? I have seen few frenz doing tht too.. and I hate it!!

  2. I agree about Bebe stuff not being as good as it used to be, but maybe it’s just their current collection that’s gone wrong and it snaps back.

    But Nosh, 20 is pretty youthful if you ask me!


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