In Poco & Jacky
It was a Poco & Jacky dress for Sayani while at IIFA. You’d think between the décolleté and the thigh-high slit, it’d be a bit much but that wasn’t the case. A pair of Steve Madden sandals are all that it took to finish out the look, and the minimalist styling helped. Unfortunately these are the only images we have to go on, but it’s easy to see, Sayani wears her look well.
Sayani Gupta At IIFA 2016
These images are enough to say she is trying way too hard with least success. Lol!
I like this look a lot. Somewhere I also gently disagree with Avani. This is a big event. And even non movie stars like us lesser mortals “strike a pose” of some sort when we are dressed up or feel pretty top of the world in beautiful clothes. So I don’t think anyone from the glamour world, anywhere in the world, when wearing avant grade outfits at a major events, would just stand and say “cheese” when photographed. Even TED has a talk of power postures. Whatever makes one feel empowered. That’s why eagles SPREAD
there wings !
I’m maybe in the minority but I actually love this look. The colour of that gown and the makeup are gorgeousness! Sayani looks great. She has that ‘quirk’ on her face and I have seen her using that to her advantage. She definitely isn’t the one who treads the “already done to death looks” just because she is in bollywood like many newbies in the industry do. She does have a personal sense of style.. and yeah “whatever makes one feel empowered”. ;)
Gently disagreeing is a rare quality in Highheel. ;) Usually the selective sympathy filled hypocrites pounce with their comment policing at the first sight of a negative comment on their favorites. lol. We can always agree to disagree, not everyone has to like a look or think it works. One can leave comments as they feel apt like how you put across your thought positive (or negative).
I just forgot to say Shreya, that you opened your opinion marvellously. Because otherwise, you will see a “flock” of mean commentators opening up their paws only on some “selective” celebrities who they don’t like. So yes, you put your thoughts beautifully because for some, their language is reflective of their own dress sense you see. And sarcasm is indeed esoteric for some people.
The color looks good on her. but the outfit itself resembles a bathrobe.
Your ratings are apt. :D
Even Angelina Jolie was lampooned for that leg pose. What made Sayani think she could get away with it?
I like her in this. I think she experiments and think that’s a good thing. Kudos for staying off the cookie cutter Bollywood looks.
Nope just nope. The dress is too large for her, and is a terrible fit. And is her leg trying to walk away by itself?