Working Girl

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Producer Rhea Kapoor was photographed at Radio City in a Phillip Lim blazer, striped tee from Gap, Gucci loafers and her PS1 which she paired with a pair of jeggings when promoting Aisha‘s music… And, it was a look we liked. You?

(Outfit breakdown via Twitter)


Rhea Kapoor Promotes ‘Aisha‘ At Radio City

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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      • Agree! Anybody else wearing that ghastly colored jacket, unkempt hair,boring flats & tacky tee would have been “not quite” “meh” “blah” “wtheyy”.. Since its one of the Kapoor sisters…

    • yea I agree! Biased much because she and Sonam frequently visit this website!? And I do really like her, but some effort with her hair wouldn’t hurt! (and these are some of the better pics posted on HHC, i saw some others on another blog and it was really a WTHeyyy moment)

  1. For the standard these sisters have set for themselves, the outfit is alright. I like the scarf especially as a part of the ensemble. though i must say she looks to me as if she just rolled out of bed, and the outfit does not compensate for her unkempt appearance neck up.

      • who makes these stupid rules to say no no? u follow what u like, and what u feel works. i don’t like the shoes, otherwise it’s fine. thumbs up for not wearing any make up!

  2. Just one thing.. isn’t it summer in India. I’m sweating just looking at the blazer. I’m all for fashion as long its sensible. Even in the west I’ve seen actresses wear fall dresses in spring just so that can beat each other out in who wear’s the look first.

    • i like it when people come out without make up on. sometimes it’s fine with make up like in the red carpet and big events. otherwise let people be, why give pressure to put make up on.

  3. I love it! It doesn’t expose any skin and is not ‘haute-couture-or-painstakingly-put-together-yet-purposely-mismatched’ look but its non-fussy and chic. Something regular people would wear. And the jacket appears lightweight..even i wear those in the summer/monsoon as i get cold in extreme airconditioning. I like this girls day to day ‘non-girly’ style!

    • What’s wrong with haute couture? Or exposing some skin? I don’t understand why people would visit a fashion blog if they only want to see conservative, pedestrian outfits. I’m not asking this in a snarky way, I’m genuinely curious because many people visiting this blog seem to dislike risqué/ couture outfits.

      • Please read the comment closely. It says that though the outfit is not risque or haute couture, its still chic. Nothing against flaunting assets or haute couture…infact i’m all for people wearing bandage dresses or manish arora/mcqueen to the mall or grocery store a la Carrie Bradshaw, but regular, non-fussy stuff can be beautiful/fashionable too.

  4. ok, which country is this girl living in ? a blazer and a scarf ???? The last time i stepped out of the house, the temperature was 45 degrees …..

    …. it doesnt matter that she probably doesn’t step into any place that is not chilled to perfection, its just that the look is way too heavy for summers … where are the chiffons, the florals, the breezy summer wear ? …. i haven’t seen one decent summer look yet

  5. both the sisters love latering their clothes with jackets.. i dont know how comfortable is it in this Mumbai weather.. but then agian they are surrounded with air conditioning all the time ..

  6. even if da places she “hangs OUT” at r air conditioned i dutn think she’s got one attached to her self when she needs to go n sit in da car or watever how can sum1 be dressed like ds in summers

  7. I agree it is too hot and humid in Mumbai, I can’t imagine wearing layers of clothing. The hair does look unkempt and the dark circles around her eyes makes her look older than she really is.

  8. I want to like it – but for some reason I can’t. It looks rather messy. She has to do something with her hair.

  9. the only thing i like in the look is the jacket infact! and no… its not too hot to wear a jacket in bombay… its rather cool outside and anyway this jacket doesnt look like it would keep anyone too warm inside.

  10. Her outfit is very classic with the skinny jeans, nude flats and sailor tee…. and that particular shade of jacket is very on trend for AW1011.

    Yes her hair is a little frizzed and she isn’t wearing any makeup, but then again she isn’t there to promote the film as an actress…she’s a producer. Do we normally look at what producers are wearing? No! So why all the criticism for her looking normal, instead of a glamour doll?

    • um, maybe because she and her sister constantly project themselves as fashionistas? anyone who harps on about loving all things fashion is bound to come under the scanner on a fashion blog, producer or not.

      • But thats the thing, the Kapoor Sister’s themselves don’t label themselves as Fashionistas, its a media given title. They have an interest in clothes and enjoy shopping just like any other girl.

  11. From the comments it seems most of the readers don’t like her messy hair, but when I saw this picture, that was the first thing I liked about it. It looks young and sort of nonchalant. Rest of the outfit is good too!

  12. Is it very mean of me to believe with absolute certainty that few strands of her hair fall everytime into the food she eats/ cooks (if ever).

    Ackkkk :P

  13. power to the internet!!! i am loving how the women are talkin over here!! lol, so much for PnP’s love for the kapoor sisters, yes yes i know this comment shall be reviewed and moderated and published only if deemed suitable, but there is no hiding the fact that HHC has become boring and ‘meh’ bcuz of the nauseating amounts of kapoor love!! almost al urban indian women have gone thru a phase in their lives when lovin fashion meant most of the street dressing references were 4m western countries and hence an automatic gravitation towards warmer clothes..thanks to general common sense and extreme physical discomfort most of us grow out of this phase soon enough..but i suppose these rules dont apply to the kapoor sisters, cuz mayb they have a A.C stuck to their hips all day? now imagine sittin in a cafe and a girl walks in wearing a blazer over a tee wid a scarf, isnt that one of those moments we all turn to each other, eyebrows arched wid the ‘where does she think she is goin dressed like that’ look. oh but i suppose dripping wid brands compensates for the mere earthling’s glares and stares!

    • i am sure there are others who have made more entries than the kapoor sisters here. rhea the least person featured here i think. why do u suddenly talk about jacket when it comes to her as well? go through all the other celebrities and see how many have worn jackets and how many wrote an essay of complain about them wearing jackets in Mumbai weather?

    • I actually love her jacket, but the “A.C stuck to their hips” remark was hilarious! Hate how ‘celebrities’ never seem to sweat and their faces never get shiny…whats the secret?

  14. About the whole jacket-in-Mumbai routine happening here – a lot of us wear formals to work. Even in the Mumbai summers. Not for fashion or comfort, but because we have to. Not that Ms Kapoor needs to do that, but still. Maybe she thought a jacket looks more professional for a producer. Whatever!

    That said, I do agree that if this were someone else, this look wouldn’t be so gushed over. But then, this is P&Ps blog. So if they like someone, they will gush all over them.

  15. Don’t people get that different people have different levels of tolerance to the wind and the cold? I, for one, need a jacket on me almost everyday in Bombay these days because air conditioning or not, it can get very cold and windy before there’s a burst of rain. Just because it seems odd to you because you have some imagined notion of Bombay weather, doesn’t make her wearing a jacket purely a fashion statement-cut the girl some slack.

  16. What is with people commenting on the weather?
    This is about fashion! not a weather broadcast.
    Whether or not it is weather appropriate is entirely upto Rhea cos SHE is wearing the jacket and she is braving the weather.

    On a personal note, I love wearing jackets, whether professional or casual. It spruces up any dull boring outfit. I usually leave mine in the car and put it on once I reach the location most of which have air-con! So I dont see how weather plays a part here?

    Moreover, who has said it is mandatory to wear fab india cotton kurtas for the summer?


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