Oh No! She Didn’t!
To find out what, you’ll just have to look inside! :P
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Can we do a collective filmy ‘Nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin’!
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Left: at 2009 Stardust Awards
Right: at Anil Ambani’s Big Pictures Success Bash
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
okay but this time the make is a hundred times better
The wicked witch of the west is baaack……
LOL!!! Is that a rock-chick saree look or what????
Face looks lovely :)
OH MY my !! WHY ! for the love of god and fashion .. ! :|
Did she really run out of kanjeevarams?
lolll Why does she love that saree(??)/blanket so much! :/
come on guys…all the kanjeevaram’s had gone to the laundry..so the drapes would have to do ;)
Hahaha…most likely blackout drapes from the den! I’ve seen this picture elsewhere and I believe Amitabh too came in a velvet jacket for the same function. Coincidence or maybe they were sending a velvety signal to each other.
hahaha “velvety signal”
She looks scary!
How did she make it throught the night lugging that heavy velvet saree around?
The places have got centralized ACs n stuff, so i dont think she must be feeling hot.
jus wondering whos the smart designer who actully designed a velvet saree…?
omg i will never understand the fascination with this woman- she looks untidy, her hair unruly and unwashed, and make up vampish.
looks like a gown from hogwarts. in a bad bad bad way.
What you are trying to say is you are jealous,lol, i would love to see what you look like when you are 56,lol,
Agreed! she looks lovely, the hair the make-up is fine..she looks absolutely ravishing at 56 as you said. the only thing which aint that nice is the velvet saree.
The makeup really is fabulous though.
kehdo ki yeh jhoot hai !!
Scarlett O’Hara on crack.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha…that “Nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin” was too apt PnP..rofl
the song that comes to mind is black magic woman!!!
naheeee….mey yeh dekhe se pehlay andhi kyom nahi ho gayi bhagwan
Yikes! The face, the bag! The saree is truly NAHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
that doesnt even look like a saree..
well, at her age..she luks divine neck up & much better than lot of current actresses!!!
so this dress fiasco can be forgiven
Definitely 100% a big Nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I think she needs to follow ur blog…atleast her stylist does !!!
I doubt Rekha ji has a stylist! She’s had a the same makeup for ages. and geez I can’t get over those spiky eyebrows and eyeliner.
She seriously needs a make under! I’m calling Oprah!
I know!!! she was so stylish back when everyone else was shabbily dressed and styled. Wonder whatever happened between then and now.
People would kill to have her eyebrows, they’re the best in the business in Bollywood or Hollywood. They are naturally gorgeous and lush. Rekha is like Audrey Hepburn they do not follow trends. They know exactly who they are and know what suits them the best, and the rest follow in line.
i think this is a confident tongue-in-the-cheek response for all the velvet-on-rekha critics. good for her!
OMG..she looks like she’s drowing in the damn thing
She is Rekha, she can put anything she wants. She is the queen!!!!!!!
I agree. when it comes to the sari look, she can do no wrong.
Ive never understood the obsession with Rekha..sure she was pretty in her time…and isnt a bad looking woman…but they way ppl obssess over her! …her makeup is always tacky…and over the top…her sense of fashion is again tacky….and she even has a weird way of carrying herself….even when she talks..she just sounds awkward…..
seriously..u stole my words. she’s kind…errm shabby sort of lol..
So how some she is a superstar for 42 years, rich and famous and you are nobody, lol
SS, what you don’t know is a lot. She has beautiful thick luxurious hair, her sense of fashion and makeup is exquisite and timelwaa. She carries herself with elegance and sensuality, and she speaks very clearly from the heart and with eloquence. She wasn’t just pretty back in her time. She was GORGEOUS then as now.
YUCK>…… was amazed how people(especially celebrities) don’t think b4 they wear such HIDEOUS stuff where such classic designers are available at a flick of their hand!!!! :-P yuck!!!!
Somebody please steal this saree from her (though I guess nobody wants black curtains). Why would she wear it again after the horrendous first time??? Luckily, this time her make-up is better. Look at those sexy eyes.
too different saris…
curtains…velvet throws…
still looks good.
an anyway, who has 2 velvet sari…in there draws…?
though ….would like to see more of her on tv/movies…around….because she is such an ‘item’…the good, bad, ugly, crazy…there is no comparable in B. Wood.
I am a lil bit scared..
all that she needs is a harley!!!!!
well at least this time arnd she changed the lipstick n earrings!
i dunno but i always feel that rekha is tryin to be sexy or sultry kinds..
i dont understand hers and amitabh’s fascination with velvet!
Ugh! Of course Rekha would wear something like this. I admire that she has stayed in shape, but the piles of makeup and hair really age her, and make her already strong features look harsh. She reminds me of a crazy lady that lives in a run-down Victorian house with a bazillion cats. She’s still a beautiful woman, but she needs to tone everything down a few levels.
Professor McGonagall.
hahahahahahahahahahahah OMG
Nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii……..asia nahi ho sakta……. Hey Bhagwan yeh din dekhne se pehle mein mar kyun nahi gayi….kyun bhagwan kyun aakhir maine aisa kya paap kiya tha ke aaj mujhe yeh din dekh na padh raha hai…..!!!!!!!!!!
OMG……why is she in gothic attire..
Her face +makeup is still okay but dress…all black in saree that too velvety…my god…
yup…a nahiiiiii…for the black velvet (she must really like it that she’s repeating!) but loving her eye make-up, the choice of lip color (relief from that bright red or too pale lipstick) and there’s a certain brightness to her face/skin that’s looking great (for her age)! Proud of her. But i wish she’d atleast have brightened the black look with a rich hued bold necklace!
Agree about the brightness in her face. :)
I think Rekha just does too much, she comes off looking like a drag queen. The only way I can describe the way she dresses and does her makeup is severe. She needs to tones it down a bit, I think it would make her look younger and more confident.
Can she not afford a decent Black Crystal Clutch if not a Judith Leiber? oh god!!!
OMG!!! looks like she was trying to channel tilda swinton in lanvin @ the academy awards
SRI plz take classses for all those aunty of bollywood including REKHA and teach them how to dress..
You can say nahiii, yuck, yuck , yick as many times as you like she looks 1000 times better than any one in the whole of bollywood can dream of looking at her age so please stop this jealousy and appreciate. REKHA looks divine . As usual all these comments have proved that REKHA is still the diva,of bollywood, REKHA rocks.
yes, she is true bollywood diva and nobody can come close to her. she dont need to take classes but she have to give classes for those actressess who dont know how to take care of them self. she have her own style which others dont have…. i must say she is beautiful.
My computer didn’t even like it… the picture would load only halfway (a rare occurrence) hahaha wish I had picked up on the sign… didn’t need to subject myself to that!
OMG why oh why Rekha? and not once but twice! I seriously hope shes not listening to all those haters out there who want everybody in a saree to ‘change it up’ and call her an aunty, because this is def. not the way to go! I wish she’d just stick to her gorgeous kanchivarrams and leave these type of monstrositys for the goths of this world to stitch a skirt from! Her face is looking beautiful though, I don’t think she needs to change her eye makeup or eyebrows or whatever somebody said, at all.
looking at it again, she looks great, only person who can pull off a velvet sari. its not toooo much make-up. Zach, agree with you darling.
What’s to go nahiiin about?
This is Rekha people! Always different. I kinda like her whole look here, Feb ’10 i.e.
I’m glad she experiments, why should twenty somethings have ‘edgy’ thrown at them when they wear some tattered dress and an older woman experimenting with fabric be derided for trying out something different?
I’d say just enjoy Rekha.
Totally agree!!! This only shows how older women are expected to dress and behave( like aunties) in India. At the Oscars we can see older actresses in edge attires and it is very normal.
her hair reminds me of Diana Ross …or maybe it’s the diva-like aura she exudes..
somebody pl tell her match match is out.. n by now… she should know it……………………….
shez got amazin face… pl rent it if u cant do justice to it…
She still looks good for her age though no matter what she has on!
I don’t like the sari, but gorgeous face. How does this woman look so young? I need to know!
Her hair looks good on her. It’s Rekha hair, she’s always had it that way. It’s become an icon almost.
And she still manages to look better than everybody else…. doesnt say much for todays girls….
Dear moderator and everyone we all have to admit to attract 70 plus comments at her age and to look so beautiful regardless of what she wears does make REKHA the true diva. All these sridevis, hema malinis , sharmila tagores and neetu singhs dont even come close to REKHA’s popularity and she has proved it once again on highhee confidential. Remember! there no business like show business. REKHA rules.
Totally agree with you. IMO there is no one more beautiful than Rekha. She has never dressed according to the trends ( the gold outfits with matching turbans come to my mind) but this one is particularly ugly. But her face is so attractive that I usually tend to ignore her clothes.
Zack you are absolutely right! Couldn’t agree more
i’v not seen Rekha when she was young, besides movies…
but…she must have been one hell of a looker…
there is no one today…great face. she should wear something more designer….
I think so too, indian beauty :-)
not once but twice..did she mistake the confused stares for admiration?
Because she looks 100 times more beautiful than you , I or any one can ever look, lolllllll
Amen to that Zack, this woman’s features are timelessly beautiful. God bless her. I feel sorry for the people who put her down, either out of ignorance or jealousy. Indian goddess of beauty.
Dear Rekha, please never dull down your looks for these idiots that say you are over the top or tacky. They are too stupid to understand your brilliantly honed aesthetics. They just want people that look boring like themselves to make themselves feel better about themselves. Why do you think Aishwarya is so popular? Mediocrity will always praise ones like themselves to keep the status quo in check.
this woman looks so beautiful i can’t believe her age
even her bag is the same :)
come on rekha
this sort of fabric is damn expensive
why did you waste your money like that
she ends up looking so creep-ella at times
There is an old English word for it..already extinct..but thanks to Rekha it may start leading a dignified life again..Magastromancy anyone?
@zack and sunita…sit down and drink a glass of water already…P&P, u have comments from these ppl calling others stupid and idiotic for not ‘understanding’ rekha’s weird style sense and u actually approve?? wake up girls…how would it be if all rekha haters (inc. me) ganged up and abused zack n sunita n their feloow club members?? v r entitled to our opinions – and IMO she looks trashy
OMG her face is so gorgeous for her age…….nobody has ever looked like her in any age even using some “help”.. rekha looks naturally young and beautiful…omg..