Pussycat Dolls In Rocky S
At the 2008 ‘Fashion Rocks’ concert, Pussycat Dolls walked the red carpet in Rocky S creations. I am surprised that the ‘Dolls’ chose to go this route, considering that their job is all about wearing as less as possible.
Having said that, who wears their look best or should I rephrase it as who wears their look ‘less’? ;)
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L To R: Jessica, Ashley, Nicole, Melody and Kimberly at the Fifth Annual Fashion Rocks concert
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L To R: Jessica, Ashley, Nicole, Rocky S, Melody and Kimberly at the Fifth Annual Fashion Rocks concert
P.S. Thanks to ‘Sharon’ and ‘Priya’ for the tip-off!
Update: Added another pic.
Nicole looks GORGEOUS!
Nicole and Kimberly look really awesome!! Well, can a sari be worn any lower;-) surprisingly, it looks fine on them as they have such toned abs prolly!! I like this look on them overall:-) :-)
Nicole is always gorgeous…but they all actually look a lot less sexy and more graceful than usual
Nicole looks the best becasue she’s covered up more…but the Pussycat dolls have proved, time and time again, that they can wear anything and everthing in ways that people(sane people anyway) would have never think of wearing
this is fun! i like it that they chose to wear regular sarees instead of horrible tailored lookalikes and they draped it according to their needs.
Yeah she is the only one who pulls it off!
Actually none of them… As someone correctly said, Nicole looks beter only coz she’s covered up the most… This only means that unless an outfit is worn the way its supposed to be worn, it wont look good… And Kimberly is completely making the Saree look ungraceful!
I think Jessica…
Ashley’s sari is too high on one side!
Nicole..the border ended too abruptly there in the front.
Melody looks BAD
Kimberley…needs to cover up a lil bit!
I think Nicole..the only reason is because she looks Indian herself and yes, she’s the only who’s wearing it close to how it should be worn. Other than that, saris on blonde-haired white women just irks the crap out of me. Maybe if it didn’t look so trashy. That, and I gotta say, Nicole single-handedly carries this group–the other girls are a waste…
jessica’s saree looks really cheap the way it is draped
ashley’s is uneven
nicole looks GORGEOUS
melody is ok…interesting draping..not too bad
dont know about kimberly’s.. its ok, nothing great.
ashley! Nicole looks way too wannabe-ish!
They look good, shows you how much the Indian market matters, for mainstream to embrace it….Ashley should have had her saree draped better.
The others look uncomfortable and/or…. just slutty.
nicole’s the only one with the innate grace to carry off the sari. the others just look odd.
these women are lukin totally fab in their outfits..
i luv nicole the best..she luks super hot in her saree..
n i think jessica luks awesome too..except for tht weird outgrowth on her waist
I hate to see the saree being ruined. What with the new fashion of flaunting your blouse/brassier, pallu is supposed to cover that part. It is so graceless, I am sad to see sarees being trashed this way.
I don’t know the names of these girls but the lead singer has got it most covered so she looks the best. Why do Indian do that to their dress and represent saree so trashily. It could have looked so much prettier if the boobs were covered properly and show the tummy with some grace not as if you are wearing a swim suit…..I am a bit old fashioned when it comes to sarees, I find all this distasteful.
But Ireally like the sarees though, would like to wear one of those myself but in a dignified manner with a blouse and not a brassier.
They all look kinda slutty – no real change there seeing as they have based their whole act on that. Nicole looks the best, probably because her outfit closely resembles what a sari should look like like and how it should be worn – kinda /sorta… Mind you I’ll give them this; this look is definitely 1 up from the tranny look they always portray.
I hate seeing western stars in sarees and asian clothes mainly because they try to westernise it or try the hole fusion thing and it ruins what is already a beautiful garment. The only celeb I have seen wear the sari with any real grace is Liz Hurley (total attention whore) but wears the look with grace and style.
They took the elegance right out of the sari. They look like high profile sluts IMO haha! If i wore my sari like that my mom would kill me. Bollywood has its slutty sari wearers too like bipasha and shilpa. I think the only recent star who wore it correctly was Katrina.
Kats looked graceful and unforgettable! The trick of the sari is to leave some things to the imagination, rather than putting yourself on show like the above pictures. Oh well, i wont blame the pussycat dolls since they are not Indian!
they r disgracing (if there is such a term) the saree
Nicole all the way. She’s the one who looks classy and stylish. The others…well… decency stops me to comment.
they look like a buch of happy hookers. you need the right attitude to carry off a sari, these guys are not sari gals.
collectively, they look very hot and unique for the hollywood circuit…
my pick would have been nicole except that her saree is positioned all wrong (look at the border right at the knee level- how did rocky s let that slide?)… so i think jessica actually carries herself best… i also really love how they’ve tied melody’s saree like a halter-style dress/sarong… very cool!
Nicole has Indian genes in her.. so obviously she carries off sari the best among the lot ;) But i dont like draping saris any other way than they should be draped.. somehow loses charm for me…
Umm call me an old conservative, but I think none of them do justice to the saree. A saree can look super sexy even if draped the way it usually should be. Anyway, if I haddddddd to pick one, then maybe Nicole.
I love them all. Its quite unique. My lest favorite is melody’s. Like the short style but too much gold going on, dont like way the top part is draped.
Nicole is the better one and melody lookz ugly and ultimate trashy!cheap n slutty lookin bunch…eeeew!
NOT LIKING THIS! c’mon the sari is such a beautiful/elegant outfit and to see it worn like this..on these women who look so trashy! they should stick to their own outfits, and if they really feel like wearing a sari..wear it the correct way.
GOD Nicole S. what a fabulous ho, I love her so glam glam. and… Ashley and Kimberly are next in line as to who wore it best :)
nicole.. all da way
could they look any tartier?!
its awful!!
ok I just saw your page on MTV India and I’m commenting here because I don’t know where else I can comment… BUT.. The Williams sisters and jelena look like kaam-wallis in those sarees! EWWW!
do kaam-wallis look bad in sarees?
Hmm, I was intrigued by this look, but I gotta say NIcole has made me proud, she has it all the way!!! Jessica almost had it, should be draped more, Kimberly totally is just being sk*nky and showing off, Melody tried to western the hell out of it, it sucks, and Ashley kinda had it but she’s white and there’ something with the draping and never hold the sari from the side like that, ruins the grace and poise all natural to its elegance. NICOLE 10/10