Cover Wars!

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Here are all the three covers of Priyanka from Grazia India’s first anniversary edition. We earlier reported that she wore a Manish Arora gown for one of them and for the other two she dons a Raakesh Agarvwal white strapless number and a Rohit Bal red strapless number.

Now, if I had three covers to play with, I wouldn’t have had two with strapless dresses. But, having said that, got a favorite cover?


Raakesh Agarvwal, Spring 2009


Rohit Bal, Spring 2009


Manish Arora, Spring 2009

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. They all look good but I wouldn’t have picked the same side of her for all 3 covers. It just looks like presto chango, new clothes but other than that everything is the same. Two of her poses are too editorial I think for a cover.

  2. she looks great in all of them..the bob really suits her..thank the heavens above she’s bid adieu to the sad blow-outs…her face looks so photoshopped in the first (raakesh agarwal)…too pouty…:S

  3. I like the rohit bal cover the best…but priyanka looks sooo boring on every cover which is a shame because those are some beautiful dresses

    like I said before, these magazine covers could looks a LOT better with REAL MODELS modeling the clothes instead of having actresses. I mean I’ll admit that Priyanka looks good (she always does though), but these covers have been bombarded with nothing but actresses. I personally would like to see more home-grown indian models on the covers

  4. raakesh agarwal’s dress is so boring compared to the others!! also i wish they’d show priyanka in her actual complexion. i think the dresses would have looked so much prettier – especially the first two. making her 5 tones lighter is really annoying! magazines really need to STOP doing that!

  5. definitely do not like the manish arora one, it looks like a clown outfit. can’t decide between the other two, but i definitely like her hair!

  6. I know earlier I said “she looks ok” but then I hadn’t seen the other covers — but, anyway, she looks great with the short hair! she should chop her fried hair off!

  7. i really like the white and red dresses but don’t particularly like Priyanka’s pose in any of the covers..the last 2 in particular makes her look like she’s having some sort of stomach pain or something! That being said, i agree, that the bob really suits her…

  8. I still preferthe Manish Arora- just because it’s the most interesting picture :D
    That hair is FABULOUS on her, it adds instant personality to her otherwise pretty vanilla persona
    me LOVE

  9. This almost reminds me about the Vogue shoot also seen in the movie Fashion. Similar short hair I guess. She looks fab in all of them! A little of but of attention to hair goes a long way!

  10. The white one is the best !!
    PC does need to get a hairstyle similar to the ones here .. she looks great.
    And BTW, in the red one.. how small is her waist!!!
    I mean, just how small.. what does she do to get the waist of a 10 year old ??

  11. I love PC’s ability to showcase the dress. The white looks fantastic on her, she pulls off the red, and the blue one looks quite ok on the model while it looks great on PC. My choice for the best outfit, the white.

  12. whats with all the crazy photoshopping? her arms and waist look anorexically thin! please STOp! there are young girls who might take a wrong motivation from this cover

    the bob looks really good but she lacks the edginess, its like someone is just pouting prettily, she lacks the X-factor, the ability to take clothes to a different level!


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