How can we even begin commenting on anything when all that stands out is that hair and not in a good way, mind you! Can we get a ‘Do’-over! :P (We promise to be nice about the extensions and the big hair.)
Left: At Radio Mirchi
Right: At Reliance Mall
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
Please tell me that is a bad wig. If it is not, then she needs to get her money back for a bad haircut.
Am I seeing black innerwear under that red shirt? Priyanka please get a new stylist or a friend who can tell you when something is wrong.
oh please!long or short,the whole lion’s mane puffiness is annoying!
OMG……I wish she gets her old style bcak. That was much more bearable!!
Oh dear god. Such a pretty girl and all else is so wrong.
really that bad? i kinda like the hair…but the girl’s too skinny! and to top that she wears skinny jeans! some curve is nice to see!
Good Lord, No! The hairdo does not suit her at all, looks like a 70’s wig, badly fitted. I would carry a giant fan to see if the thing really flies off and then maybe we could see the older hairdo which was so much better. Looking a li’l masculine too which does not work at all. thumbs down to ma favorite PC, hurts but the truth!!!
Specially after Kaminey, Dostana, those columns on HT and the way What’s Your Rashee looks. It hurts.
OMG! How do I even begin to say anything…every time I see Priyanka on TV, all I say is get rid of those extentions but now I really want her to get those back on! She looks bad, who gave her this ugly haircut…I’m appalled.
i feel you!
i guess it’s a case of be careful what you wish for…
OMG she is totally chanelling the mom on brady bunch hahaha! Hideous!
haha Totally agree! Thats who I was thinking of when I saw her hair. I just forgot the name of the show.
omg i think you’re right on!
now PC just needs to endorse Crisco!
OMG .. why do her stylists do this to her ….
Someone twitter her please to change her hair stylist.. they’ve ruined her once beautiful hair entirely!!
i love the new hairdo.
bias and the herd syndrome anyone?
really..?i love it…n i like her too…dunno wats shes done to u ppl…
More like what happened to her hair it makes her head look ginormous syndrome
WHat a terrible mistake PC!! I guess you guys drove her to do this, asking for a change in hairstyle! what a shame!
I don’t think her new haircut is that bad. She is looking different and nice!
im not going to repeat the same old things :)
all i want to say is this woman has a body that can work almost anything. then why does she do this to herself? give us some spunk woman!
OH GOD what on earth is that, living in England you don’t hear the phrase ‘soccer-mom’ but that is the first thing that came to mind and second “WOAH” and then some amusement, being bitchy is not the intention but amusement is what this whole look, or most of PC’s looks derive, hair now being the first statement she makes… at least earlier we managed to look up and down, now all hope is lost lol
Priyanka I strongly suggest you put your ego and delusions aside and take time of your schedule and contact a few stylists and magazine editors and have a lengthy and detailed, and by detailed I mean a bit by bit, shred by shred discussion on the basics of a decent wardrobe and aesthetic. The matter has gotten serious.
I can’t take it anymore: This is a visual medium!!!
I’ve seen glimpses of your earlier films and earlier appearances and am familiar with your sensibilities. However, although I don’t expect something great, please develop a personal style. Pronto. And go to your local bookstore and pick up a few books/magazines on Fashion while your at it.
the mum on Brady Bunch
that’s exactly who i was thinking of
OMG! Her head is too big for her body… Put on some weight girlfriend…
is that a… MULLET!?
Who??…. what!!! …. WHY ??
It looks like something in-between a Mullet and a Shag haircut. Maybe she’s ahead of ‘The 80s are back” curve. :P
That’s a BAD haircut! She reminds me of the haircut Riddhima Kapoor Sahni recently got. It just ages both of them. By the way, how skinny is Priyanka?! Her waist is TINY!!!
HAHAHA… this is how to go from bad to worse! :P
Oh lawd, two thumbs down! Two thumbs way down. I’m doing a hand-stand on my two thumbs that’s how bad this is.
LOL!! You are absolutely hilarious..
For being so pretty and actually non-filmy and smart to some extent, she just is soo tacky! That hair??? I mean …come on! and that belly peeping out of the reaally too short top?
She needs to start acting like she is smart and edgy and bright….now really….
You put words to thoughts.
ok, there’s the thing
my hair dresser, who LOVES volume, did this to me a week ago- thank God after I washed it it looked good. The volume is actually something I need but something that PIGGY CHOPS DOES NOT. She ALREADY has a big head, and no hips. Big hair makes your hips look smaller! She looks like an inverted triangle, the tops and the pants don’t help, AT ALL. What she needs is volume ON THE BOTTOM. PLEASE!
Yes, but you forget one has to have aesthetic to be able to spot that. I don’t think she does this knowing she give of this impression… I figure she thinks she looks great and is trying to look very young after being introduced to a certain film called ‘Dostana’ and Karan’s sensibility. She took it from there and has attempted to claim ‘Neha’ in my opinion.
More design than aesthetic, I think
It’s shape, not beauty per se
If that makes sense at all
she needs to start eating again…the hair can wait till she gets some meat back on her bones…
New cut is really cute! Major props to PC for taking a risk, and going beyond layers. It will grow on ppl, I am sure.
omg …i hope this is a wig!
omg! i never cmment just a lurker but i cannot be quiet. But as soon as I saw the pic I was thinking please I hope PnP dont actually like it. Thankfully, you dont!
EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!! What the hell is that???! Ugh! It’s absolutely horrendous! She’s our desi “Kate” from Jon & Kate! It’s a hair-dont! Too big – too much of bad hair. Get rid of it NOW, PC!!!
i love it.. kinda dated but suits her…so much! what a bebo!
wow..i think she is looking gorgeous..i cannot even think of any other actress who could have pulled it off this well
:| Is that for real? She also needs some hips, she looks manly.
omg…..datz weird…..
ewww…she is looking like a boy’s hair gone bad
all im thinking is that 70’s show and the brady bunch. why o why wud sumbody let her walk out the house wid dat haircut.
Girl needs to eat a burger and chug it down with a milkshake or two. She is taking the thin/slim bit far too seriously. Her head looks so disproportionately big compared to her way too tiny body. And the hair-bleh. If I wanted to see that I could’ve just popped in a Brady Bunch DVD.
i think she should go for a bob haircut it would suit her better
I’ve seen costume wigs that look more natural than this mane.
how does someone as pretty as this end up looking soooo dull at numerous appearances??!!
I can’t get over her beauty shots in the movies, i guess that’s just cuz its a close up of her face?!
this girls needs a new stylist ASAP!
that hair is gross….
what did she do to her hair? she had great hair (once upon a time). doesnt she remind of ayesha takia in the right pic? or is it just me?
she looks like a li’l boy with mullet…ugh
the jeans and shoes are strictly ok though boring and taking a que from payal’s comments about promising to be nice about her extensions …. priyanka clearly does take criticism seriously but unfortunately for her …. the change is not for the better … lol
Atleast something better than the last one which could only be described as Simba from Lion King
You made me laugh… out loud.
Looks a bit like Kristen Stewart’s new hairdo…did not like it on such a pretty girl like Kristen..defntly not on PC!
i think she faces the problem which most of us skinny indians face- tiny hips/ waist, and a broad shoulder. hence the disproportionate body shape. i feel her =(
she looks like tht red-haired girl frm the silly tv show remix on star one….ugh…pathetic!!
I think she should just go all Tabu and leave it plain for a while!
leave her hair alone.
it isnt that she hasnt tried, everything she has tried with her hair has failed, so cant blame her any more if she has had such a bad luck.