Doing Black: A Face Off
On the same night, these two former Ms. Worlds were spotted wearing wrap dresses, question is, which beauty queen wears her black better? Our vote went to Diana because she had a better dress on with better hair and no sign of VBL.
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Left: Priyanka Chopra at Arindam Chaudhari’s Book Launch
Right: Diana Hayden at PETA Awards
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
PC looks absolutely stunning. The shoes work really well this time. Her makeup is flawless. & the hair/jewelery makes this a classy look.
As for Diana, she fares well too.
I like priyanka better
Longer hair would have been great.
Her shoes are……mmmmmm i want them so badly.
in all seriousness, iv come to the conclusion that maybe priyanka is better off bald. maybe thats not all in style in bollywood, and she may get no work at all with no hair, but i believe shes got the face structure and the “pretty-ness” it takes. it would be better that this!
and it looks someone sat on her head.
there should be a like option for these comments .. i agree totally .. this looks like a blow dried mullet
I dont like priyanka’s hair..WTH! looks like a toupe! which is why I actually picked Diana..but I actually like Priyanka’s dress better…..
Poor Priyanka makes too many public appearances, she has run out of styling ideas.
I prefer PC’s look minus the hair. Her dress looks classy n sophisticated. Lurvv d shoes.. Diana’s dress luks cheap. i din like it at all… I guess PC is testing wid different hairstyles.. lets giv her some chances..C’on
I just want to shake Priyanka and wake her up!!!!! What are those ugly shoes!!!!!! urrrrgh!!!!!! So frustrating to see this woman always get it so wrong!
PC wins this face off by a mile. Diana’s dress looks cheap and tacky, i really don’t like it. Plus her makeup isn’t right. PC’s hair isn’t all that great either but hair down, she looks great!
PC any time, she even makes the atrocious hair work. Diana’s lip colour looks so tacky.
diana looks better. she looks so relaxed and pc looks like she’s trying too hard. diana’s hair is better too.
sorry for my ignorance… but whats VBL?
visible bra lines
I like that she’s attempting to do the classic and sophisticated look, but it would do her good to learn a little about how to actually do it before attempting it.. (Priyanka)
Also there are countless ways to do the all-black look with refined jewellry and subtle accessories whilst still looking your age rather than looking like your in your mid-30’s… Priyanka Priyanka… what are we gong to do with you???
Btw guys what’s VBL?
Visible Bra Lines. :)
Priyanka Chopra looks so skinny, what’s with this anorexic look. No puns or meant to be nasty or rude but her head does not look proportional to her body, it appears larger. She needs really good coaching in styling; her choices have been really terrible.
you guys seriously like diana s attire more! :-o
no offence, but seriously what’s to like in it!? the material looks pretty cheap and the fit, silhoutte does nothing for her body shape ..and the accessories are so boring!
whereas i think priyanka does great! nothing creative, yet chic! and how yummy are those shoes on her ..and of course thumbs up for no extensions! (:
I cant look past piggy’s hair! WTF!!!
like priyanks better…coz of the shoes…i want!!
Priyanka’s dress and shoes and Diana’s Hair and accessories… Why doesnt Priyanka now stop experimenting with her hair since they are really bad experiments…