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Where do we begin with Nisha? The ghastly loud makeup or the shoes that brought back bad memories of a certain TV Mogul’s pair? And, I am not quite sure whats going on on the shoulder. A jacket that she wore differently (because I think I see shoulder pads) or is it just part of the dress?


Nisha Jamwal at Lofficiel India March Edition Launch

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. by Nisha’s standard..it is good. She is usually in more monstrous outfits. And those shoes! And the necklace!

  2. That makeup is just foul!Unless that is some sort of burn or mark, you can CLEARLY see that she’s either sweat off some of her pale cake-y foundation, or she didn’t even bother to apply it all the way! Jeez- if you’re going to pretend that you’re lighter than you are, at least do it all the way! The jacket is completely disorienting…I won’t even bother to touch on the hair or shoes, I’ve got a headache as is.

  3. what is it…
    she’s hanging the jacket on her side shoulder…and the color and the makeup and everything is failing my imagination

  4. this is why bored socialites should never call themselves designers… i can understand something beyond my aesthetic realm as art…but this (and by this i mean Nisha Jamwall) is a fiesta-del-crap…

  5. she looks like an 8th grader going to her first school dance with a dress she made herself using scraps she found at the local fabric store…and she definitely did her makeup herself….CAKE FACCCCE

  6. Wow…super what the hey. Maybe she has lost her “chutzpah”…azuming she had one at some point.

    What about the feather thing on her head?


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