The Second Time Around

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At a recent brunch spotted Nethra in her yellow dress, this time though paired with a different belt and a different pair of shoes… Like it better the second time around?


Left: At LFW Launch Party, 08
Right: At Olive Anniversary Brunch, 09

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. The lighting in the first picture makes it look better i think!! Besides like d out of d bed hair and the belt much better in d 1st one!!

  2. The second time around definetely, the hairs better, the make up’s nicre the belt is less blingy and the single coloured bangles look more sophisticated that the multi-colored metallic ones. Very chic dress like the glads both time around

  3. I like it both times but the overall effect on the second go round looks great. the dress is simple but she added some great accessories….and i love how that belt gives her a great shape!

  4. the first time, for sure – the black accessories in the second do not offset the mustard colour like the metallic accents in the, the bedhead hair goes with the outfit, too

  5. Second time around for sure.. the dress is nothing great by all means but her hair and makeup are much better, also the belt falls better around her waist.


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