More Of That – Part Deux

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The reign of “terrible-pants-and-tacky-clothes” continues…

If one pair wasn’t enough, Ms. Verma owns another pair of strange and ghastly trousers! I’d ask, why-oh-why, but why waste my breath!!?

Feb 08
May 08

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  1. she looks like a tranny in the feb 08

    her makeup is awful, and then her clothes aren’t even worth mentioning. she prolly picked them up from a bar girl’s tailor

  2. I think she has officially overtaken Sonali Kulkarni for worst-dressed. And I have to agree with sana. That face has zero femininity, zero elegance.

  3. she is UGLY………can we not post about her..unless.. make a section just for badly dressed celebs.. and she can be the queen.. right before sonali

  4. payal & pri

    i recently saw a pic of Sonali in a polka dotted brwon dress and tht was da most elegant of her i hv seen so far so why not put tht pic of her in some section of urs, i mean we can appreciate her for atleast trying!

  5. Anupama needs to get real and do real things and not to mention real job ! With all the glamourstruggled images she creates looks like she is struggling so hard to stay havent seen her after the big boss ?

  6. […] While she chose to repeat her top at the Diwan Rahul Nanda dinner party, we are so glad she left out the ghastly pants from last time! […]


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