Yin And Yang

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We liked Anusha’s look, right down to those booties! And if we’ve learnt anything is that those are one tricky pair of shoes to wear! On the other hand, everything about Arzoo’s look was yawn inducing. From her teensy denim skirt to her ruffled top. And those extra pointy shoes… the last nail in the proverbial coffin!


Anusha Dandekar (Left) And Arzoo Govitrikar (Right) At Mangii Launch

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. oo i like them booties!!! they’re so cute, finally someone with a good sense of shoe fashion. i have no words for that blue ruffle top.

  2. I guess its high time for girls to understand that the denim skirt shud NOT be worn in that fashion anymore, girl, go for bubble top or a nice white shirt and you can also experiment with a vest with a long scraf tied corner to neck.

    Anu rocks,,

  3. and what the heyyy with the girl behind anusha with thw white sandals, haha she looks funny from behind and i guess doesnt know to weas those sandals… Eww!! let me look busy

  4. where are arzoos hair gone?

    she gone short??

    omg she had so long hair

    if she has gone short she shd hv atleast got a good pixie o sumthin


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