Seems like Ms. Bedi kept this outfit from Nisha Merchant’s store, but we are hoping she didn’t wear the stripper heels this time! ;)
Click here to see a bigger image of her appearance at Nisha Merchant’s store…

Srijoni 2008

Nisha Merchant Store
Source, Source
I still don’t like the outfit but her hair looks better here.
i like this outfit.. i would have bought it , if it werent so shiny
Its cold out dere n Perizaad is improper or its Hot n Mandira is improper……WHY?? HOW??
Maybe it’s to do with the person on how hot/cold they feel under certain temperature. I used to think people with more fats wouldn’t feel as much cold as the one with less, but I think it’s not always the same. I usually freeze in an air-conditioned room unless the room is crowded or I am constantly on motion.
Love Perizaads outfit!
Its difficult to carry off velvet…Mandira is doing ok. But I dont like her earrings. Too big and clashing with her elaborate collar.
And OMG, wats that thing on Perizaad? It looks like a Superman/Spiderman type belt!! LOL!
dontu indian have better cameras/? i always look at the photos and sorry about poor qualty