Wearing a black jumpsuit, Kajol attended the launch of You We Can on Saturday evening. I love an unexpected dark lip every now and then, but in her case, being that it was a purple shade, just threw the look off big time.
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
Not everyone can carry a jumpsuit and it definitely looks clownish on her, not to mention making her look stunted as well. The hair and that shade of lipstick on her is just adding comedy to the LOL look.
The lipstick is definately making her teeth look offwhite!
Just no. Whatever happened to Kajol? She doesn’t look like herself anymore.
Looking short and stocky! Not a good look for her
I think the purple lipstick looks great on her but the outfit does not.
The lip shade I like, fit of the jumpsuit I don’t!
I have never been a fan of jumpsuits, You cant even pee properly in them.
What ? I think she looks nice. Much much nicer than those times when she donned ill- fitting dresses and chalky makeup.
She looks like Tanisha here,
That says a LOT. :P
I don’t mind the lip colour as much as I hate the clothes and their ill fittingness!!
Jumpsuits need a tall frame to fall right..It’s not right for her body type and does nothing for her, add to that this shade of lipstick. Quite a mess! Well..definitely not one of her better looks.
The proportions on that jumpsuit are all kinds of wrong on her. But I like her neck up,purple lip color and all.
That’s not a jumpsuit, it’s a pair of overalls.