Wearing a SVA by Sonam and Paras Modi gown, Juhi who features on Better Homes And Gardens’ cover this month, helped unveil its latest issue. Earrings from Anmol Jewellers and a cocktail ring from Jet Gems completed the look.
Though Ms. Chawla looked nice, wish we’d see her in something more tailored, less flashy and just a tad more contemporary.
Juhi Chawla At Better Homes And Gardens Magazine Cover/Issue Launch
Juhi Chawla At Better Homes And Gardens Magazine Cover/Issue Launch
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
She looks so very beautiful for her age. How much more beautiful she looks if she wears soft sarees with a low bun or side braid or straight hair! She should get a makeover.
She looks gorgeous, and still has an infectious cheery vibe about herA
I think she’s looking lovely
She looks nice! The colour suits her
nothing designer about it
Nice and easy on the eyes.
She is one of the few actresses that love so beautiful in saris but hardly ever wears them. She is looking pretty here like a doll. Love the Color on her.
This is pretty contemporary to me
To say she’s a bit in the past with her usual looks is fair
But certainly not here
This is her best look in ages
The top fits beautifully and the dress itself is gorgeous
I’d wear that and I’m well over a decade younger
I like her outfit, wish she would do something with her hair, it is tooooo long
She looks lovely in the outfit. However I dont like the hair style.
“Something more tailored, less flashy and just a tad more contemporary” – This is what I always want to see on people. Sadly, most of Bollywood fashion is flashy, blingy, dated and ill-fitting.