HHC On IndiaFM!
Recently, we were asked by IndiaFM to write a series of fashion posts and have gladly accepted. So, if you saw our post out there, it was actually us writing!
But, not everyone plays nice. If you don’t believe us, check this side by side of our post and an article we found on Mid-day!
Is that plagiarism or is that plagiarism!
P.S. Thanks to our readers for pointing out to us that our material was getting lifted! We appreciate your support!
Hey P and P,
Its totally annoying to have your ideas duplicated but I don’t think this is plagiarism. On my blog, I will post something and a day later the same picture will appear on another’s gal’s blog with different writing…unfortunately, nothing you can do about it. Photos are all over and if you use it, someone else can as well. Keep an eye out for people actually copying your writing word for word without citing it…then you can get them!
Kohl Girl,
Its not the images that we are talking about. Of course, images circulate.
This was our text
“Also, while we think the Fendi skinny belt is super cute, way more so than the Fendi Large B
Buckle Belt, the way Shilpa is flaunting it is just not fly”
and below is Mid-day’s!
“We saw the super cute Fendi skinny belt of Shilpa’s teenie waist. But hiking up your tee to flaunt it, just ain’t fly”
Now, do you see why we are a tad bit annoyed!
Hey girls, why dont you write in a compaint to the editor of Mid-day?
I completely agree with P&P .A newspaper with this reputation (‘ i think it’s run by Times Of india) would do something like this hurts my heart. thtz whyi see in u.s colleges plaigarism is so punishable. i agree with tht. I hope we can baash the writer of the mid day. It’s k just boils me to see this
good luck
Payal and Priyanka, I agree with you guys. This IS plagiarism and you need to complain to the editor like anonymous said. You may not get a huge sum a la Ram Sampath (i know i’m just teasin ya)
but you should certainly bring this to the editor’s attention so someone else’s words won’t get paraphrased or written verbatim without any citation. At least that’s what my english teacher taught me and i’m sure they know this very well.
You should certainly take this up with the Editor of Midday and cc that to the Press Trust of India.
Also, while looking thru the India FM writing.. I thought I saw what looked like a visible white panty on Kangana underneath that ripoff White gown…what sayyyy???
Down with Plagiarism! P and P, Take it up! You have our support :)
so have you taken it up with them? i’d be livid.
The author of that article must be one of the regular readers/visitors of this site.
You are like one of those designers who change 10-15% in the original design of the garment to make it yours. Just like the designers who make replica of other designers, whom you may despise/criticise, i.e. if you understand the effort & time spent in creating something that you can proudly say is yours than some borrowed ideas.
Why don’t you apologise and ask the bloggers if it’s alright to post, and provide reference in future? I am sure you will be forgiven.
I am laughing off as I read for the second time. Hilarious! It’s so convenient and quicker to change a word or two, and make it yours.
That’s so wrong! I love this blog..and I am just shocked that a paper like mid-day can do such cheap thing!
You should get the edior to publish an apology in the paper. This is ridiculous!
If you give us the edior’s id, I am sure I will also write to them and hopefully other readers of the this blog will do that too?
Thankyou! For the love, support and even the indignation on our behalf. Thats what keeps us going… :)
We have written to them and are hoping to hear back from them… will keep you guys posted!
Priyanka & Payal
Hahha…hilarious!! They used the same words too ….aint fly – not fly …Dint they think thy would get caught??????? You guys are awesome! I am glad somebody brought this to your attention.
Did you hear back from Mid Day? This is utterly pathetic. Saala chors!
OMG ! This is so mean . They could have given credit to your blog or asked you to write an article like indiafm.. Hope they apologize . Must be some loser who did such a lame thing !!
a lot of people do that, i do it with normal belts, not such a huge deal. Looks good :)
LOL @ the plagiarism though.. Wow you should fix em up girls ;)