Yellow Still Going Strong
Summer might be nearly over in some parts of the world but yellow is showing no signs of going under the radar across the pond…
We spotted Nethra in a little yellow dress at an event, which is a definite upgrade over the last time she had a dress on…
We’ve mostly always seen Shaina NC in a sari and while popular for her innovative draping styles, she does tend to go a bit overboard with the ‘bling’… So, it was good to see her able to edit herself and wear ‘casual’ well!
Left: Nethra Raghuraman At LFW Launch Party
Right: Shaina NC At Fair & Lovely Scholarship Campaign
Don’t like shaina’s yellow doctors coat.
I notice that Nethra wears the most hideous sandals/shoes/flip flops! Whats up with that? She’s a pretty gal though but such avg style statment every single time.
I cannot forgive Shaina’s outfit, she is a designer for Gods sake, not forgiven. Netra looks good, but has a tendency to choose comfort over style – as in the case of her shoes
I like Nethra’s outfit. Infact I think her shoes look great with her dress. Also her bangles look great with her outfit.As for Shaina…its nothing special..pretty blah…
@adit – netra’s shoes – because of her bad ankle?
shaina should stick to sarees
Shaina needs to get some sleep and some make up!
Nethra looks pathetic, hate the lip colour.