Spotted on Neetu Singh at Divyanka Bedi’s fashion show, the Pearl Python Gucci hobo. Frankly, while the Bottega Python Hobo made my heart skip a beat, this one really doesn’t do anything for me! The bag just gets lost in Neetu’s silk shirt! I wish she had worn something that made this bag stand out!
Is that a real snake skin bag? I hope not, that is the most environmentally unfreindly thing ANYBODY can do.
some how not much fan of hobos
Don’t you guys agree that plus size women should NOT wear satin especially the lighter colored ones? Neetu Singh is such a beautiful lady and she would’ve looked much better in a black top. I’m a big fan of Rishi Kapoor and I think he seriously needs to shed some weight otherwise i’m afraid he’ll have major problems with his health. I hope he’ll realize this sooner than later.
umm..I don’t think Neetu Singh is plus size from any angle..I think she could have chosen a color (for the top) that would have suited her skin tone more..but definitely doesn’t have anything to do with her weight!
Neetu Singh is not Plus size. She actually has a great figure – recently saw her on sone dance reality show and she was looking great. I think Satin blouses that hang just suck.
I agree the bag and the blouse is not working together!
I have to agree, Neetu is not plus size, unless Rashmi you were talking about Rishi! ;)
Blame the satin! Didn’t look good on Neetu at all!
I’m sorry guys my bad. I thought plus sized are those who are not slim but then again slim can also be very subjective…anyways ok i agree Neetu is not plus size but she’s not thin either. so what i meant is satin is only for those who are thinner than neetu singh.
Plus size is US size 14 and up, I think! She probably is an 8 which is not necessarily small but also not medium.
Considering I have a major phobia of any kind of reptile, these bags dont do much for me. I would never even dare to touch them :(
Both the bag and shirt are shiny, and the combination of bag, shirt and lipstick is dull. The colour and fabric of the shirt should have been different.
about neetu’s shirt…the high collar did nothing for her beautiful face. and to add salt to injury, the collective stitching on either sides is very unflattering for big busted women. to top that, like rashmi said, satin is for thinner femmes. so all n’ all neetu should have worn something that did not overpower her good looks.
as for the bag, not a fan of animal prints, especially in lighter colors. and if thats real snake skin…..not at all in my taste!
thats real snakeskin, python to be precise and its called an exotic bag, they are really expensive and thats one of the reasons why its the darling of the rich and famous more like a status symbol, they will touch anything(snake, croc, lizard) provided they know the bourgouis cannot touch it(moneywise), rich snobs should spare those poor wriggling creatures and learn a lesson or two on frugal living from Warren Buffet
sad……about the snakeskin that is…