The stunning Ms. Gupta took the red carpet at a recent Awards show dressed in Dior. A Judith Leiber clutch, an updo, jewelry from Viange, Christian Louboutin peep-toes and red lips completed her look. She looked goood!
Esha Gupta At Zee Cine Awards 2013
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
A fab apperance – very well put together from dress to hair to et al..
She looks tres chic and elegant! I love it!
She’s the Neha Dhupia this year i guess………..own it,WERK!!!!!!
She looks amazing!! The girl has got style!!
Super Fab!!
she looks great…a bit forced but really she’s a clothes-horse w/ the face of a greek goddess statue…
How in the world did you’ll identify her shoes from these pictures??
They follow the stylist on twitter ;)
Statuesque….she looks great
This female is stunning!!
simply stunning!
Best dressed of the evening. Well coordinated and super chic. Drop dead gorgeous.