This dress seems to pop up everywhere and in every color just like its variation! Latest to sport it is Katrina in a maroon version for a TOI photoshoot.
P.S. I have searched far and wide and can’t find it. Have you?
The color is indeed lovely. As to being unable to find the designer of this dress, maybe it was made by some one in the movie costume design fraternity …..after all we saw them in god knows what all crazy colours (most of them shiny) and were worn by aspiring stars ….
katrina looks fab. that’s my favourite colour.
Oooh… love the colour on Katrina!!
Love Katrina’s version…fab color
Katrina looks stunning!! Thats is such a gorgeous color of aubergine! I want a dress in that color!! I want that dress!
*nods in agreement*
The colour of Katrina’s dress is just lovely!!!
The color is indeed lovely. As to being unable to find the designer of this dress, maybe it was made by some one in the movie costume design fraternity …..after all we saw them in god knows what all crazy colours (most of them shiny) and were worn by aspiring stars ….
or they changed the colors with photoshop :D
lovely color anyways.
Don’t like the blue of PC’s, and hate the way it fits her too… one of the yuckiest things i’ve seen her in.
Katrina looks awsome!
me too… i love kat’s dress color!
PC suddenly looks so thin when compared to KK.. love the dress color on KK
I think this is a Gauri & Nainika, found a very similar one at their store.If not then its very them.
All that ruching on the dresses reminds me of Nicole Miller ruched dresses..
looks very similar to Suzi Chin Maggy Charmeuse Dress
(the shoulder strap is a bit different)