Samantha was spotted recently in Kanika Goyal‘s That’s So Rad top, one that we saw on Anushka last year. Both wore the top with black denims and footwear but while Anushka went for a more dressy pair of strappy sandals, Samantha who was snapped travelling, wore a pair of gladiator flats.
Anushka Sharma & Samantha Ruth Prabhu
Photo Credit: Instagram
Looks better anushka…she got the swaggg to pull it off
Agree. Samantha is not rad enough to wear this.
The sleeves on Anushka is too big. Otherwise I don’t see a difference. Both look ok.
I want this shirt… My name is RADhika:P ! plus I love the swagger vibe
Both look sweet like teenagers. Anushka looks tad bit better. Love her shoes.
Both look nice, in fact they look a bit alike I think!!
Loving those flats on Samantha.
Love Anushka’s shoes… Both look nice..
Oh god!pnp i sent same pic of samantha with diff posefew months back and you post it now!kill me